Speed Thinking and Games

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I'm enjoying writing season 7 way more than I did season 6.

3rd Person's POV

"He was the most brilliant mind I ever met. They all were. Whatever the problem, you could count on a Wells...a council of them, to have the answers. Now, they're all gone." Barry tells the team as they look at the shrine they made dedicated to the Wells'. "We gotta find the answers ourselves. Allegra passes Cisco Nash's bag and places it on the shrine, completing it.

"Why does it feel like for us to win, some of us have to lose?" Cisco asks. "This wall is nano-engraved with the names of everyone we've lost. So no matter how the timeline changes... they'll never be forgotten." Cisco walks over to Anna, who has her arms open, and he hugs her. He cries silently in her arms as she comforts him.

"Those Wells, they took some getting used to, didn't they?" Joe comments. Everyone chuckles with him. "If we learned anything from them, it was that our greatest weapon against darkness isn't our superpowers. It's our humanity. And our love for each other."

"That's beautiful, Joe." Anna tells him. Cisco tugs at her hand, and she excuses herself as they leave the lab. Joe and Barry are the only ones left.

"Bar, I know what you're doing." Joe shakes his head at him. "Don't. Don't blame yourself."

"But what you just said...Ramsey infecting me, Eva using a copy of Iris and Damian to manipulate my emotions. Lately, it feels like my heart is my enemy's greatest weapon." Barry shares.

"Have faith, son." Barry nods his head. "We will get Damian and Iris back. I feel it in my heart."

"Anna has nightmares every night." Barry shares. "She screams out for Damian. And then she cries herself back to sleep."

"Have you talked to her about it?"

"What's there to talk about, Joe? I... I'm no step closer to bringing him or any of our friends home. My wife could give birth any second. She will never be okay if he's not back. She will never move on."

"It's a parent's worst feeling not being able to help their child." Joe says. "I felt that a number of times, and I'm feeling it now. My daughter...I didn't know she wasn't my actual daughter, and...it hurts knowing I can't do anything to help. Just...be there for her, Bare. Be there for Anna, and she will be there for you." Joe advises his son.

"We're supposed to be preparing for our first child, but...it feels like our family is torn apart."

"We will get everyone back, son. In time, everything will be back to normal." Joe assures him.

"This is supposed to open a portal to the Mirrorverse?" Barry questions Cisco and Anna about the device they've built.

"Yeah, supposed to." Cisco confirms.

"Cisco found the base of the technology from Atlantis, and we just improved it from here." Anna explains.

"I thought I could use Atlantean tech to tackle perpetual motion, one of science's greatest problems, but guess what I found waiting for me?" Cisco powers the device up, and it crackles. "More problems."

"It's not perfect. It's a base for us to work with..."

"It's a dud." Cisco argues, and Anna gives him a look.

"We've made things work with less." She argues back to him.

"Anna, this..."

"You're stressed because this is another bump in the road, but it's not a dead end. This is just another piece, and...we can make it work, or we will find something else." Anna tries to stay optimistic.

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