Goodbye Wells

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This was a hard chapter to write. I will always miss the Wells' because to me they truly made the show.

3rd Person's P.O.V.

"Okay, okay." Chester grabs the magnet he made and hands it to Nash. "Here. Put this on." He instructs. "Once Allegra pushes the particles outside of Barry, these ionic circuits will catch them and put them back into you." He explains.

"Smart Runk." Barry, who is still acting as Harry, compliments Chester.

"That's brilliant."


"Listen." Nash looks at Allegra. "When this is over, I'll find a way to make this up to you."

"This is a pretty good start." Allegra replies.


"Yeah." Anna joins Chester at the computers, ready to start the machine up. Barry moves to stand in front of Nash, and Allegra uses her powers and pushes the particles through him, and the magnet collects them.

"Hey, hey, hey." Chester gets everyone's attention. "It's working."

"Keep going." Anna tells them as they continue to monitor the progress. Allegra stops when Barry collapses to the floor. "Barry?" Anna calls out to her husband, worried it didn't work.

"Are you...Barry?" Chester asks the question everyone wants to know the answer to. Barry takes off Harry's glasses.


"Thank God." Anna mutters. "It's really me." Barry moves to his wife and pulls her in for a hug.

"It's me." Barry repeats to Anna and places kisses on her cheek.

"All right." Nash interrupts their reunion. "Let's celebrate later because we still have a supersonic jet about to explode over the city."

"I still can't stop it." Barry exclaims.

"The plane's only three minutes out." Chester informs everyone.


"My powers have been so unreliable lately. And it's not safe with me so late in my pregnancy." Anna answers.

"We need a plan." Barry says.

"No. We need the Flash."

"NASH!" Barry and Anna yell, but it's too late. Nash places his hand on the sphere, finally becoming the organic receptor that the Artificial Speed Force needs.

"That will kill you." Barry reminds him.

"I know. But I'm the organic receptor that we need." Nash argues. "You're getting your speed back." He places his other hand on the sphere and groans in pain.

"Hey, hey!"

"Nash, we will find another way. We always find another way." Anna tries to get through to him. "I...we don't trade lives here."

"What other way, Wayne?" Nash snaps. "There's no time."

"There's always time." Anna argues.

"Nash, you don't have to do this just to prove a point." Allegra chimes in, trying to get through to their friend.

"I'm not doing it to prove a point. I'm doing it because I won't watch you die. I won't let any of you die." Nash groans in pain again as the sphere is powering the speed force. Barry tries to help, but Chester holds him back.

"Don't! Don't. No, no, no. If you touch him, we'll lose you too." Chester advises Barry. Anna and Barry walk closer to Nash.

"Nash, please. Let us help you." Anna tries to get through to him.

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