The begining

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July 2011
I had just finished an interview and was on the car ride home. I decided to catch up on my Twitter and other social media sites. I went through my dm's and one caught my eye. It was from @ollyforever2009 and it was in two messages which read. "Hey Olly, thanks for the follow :) if you have time could you message my friend, she's in a coma after an accident after an argument. Thanks again xox" I immediately text back, I was feeling down recently so maybe this is what I needed. She text her username back and some other details I asked for.

The next day was my free day so I messaged and followed her friend... "Hey darl, hope your okay... Lots of love ols.x" I then got in my car and drove the Manchester hospital to where her friend was staying. I wasn't massively popular back then so there wasn't much paps.
I got out the car and met Ellie outside. I could tell she was a huge fan so I hugged her and signed a few things... after they went upstairs and went in y/n's room. Ellie was distracted. I sang just smile to Y/n while she was unconscious, I went to put my guitar in my car and when I was gone she woke up. I saw her smile for the first time... WOW she looked amazing... Ellie left us alone and we went to physio... I was falling in love, we had an amazing day and decided we would write my final song together. So we had plans to start tomorrow, I remember Ellie telling me she liked jelly tots so I got her some. We went for tea at the caf and it was time for me to go. I hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Bye! See you tomorrow." I said rather happily. She replied with a smile. I text Y/n my number on Twitter and she liked that... I really loved her.

*your p.o.v*
Dear diary, I think, no, I know I'm in love with Olly all I need to do... Is tell him.

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