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Water drizzling against a hard surface woke Harper.

She blinked a few times and noticed that Yanpu was no longer in bed with her. She sat up immediately and threw herself off the bed.

"Yanpu? Yanpu!" She rushed into the bathroom. When the door opened, she paused. Hyde was standing over the sink, washing his face. When he saw her, he rolled his eyes.

"What did you do to him!?"

"Keep it down, will you?" Hyde wiped his face dry with a towel. "Shite, blast this headache."

"Where's Yanpu!"

"Ey, don't make me have to say it again." Hyde turned to face her. "The kid is with Arnest. They'll be back soon."

Harper relaxed. She couldn't believe she slept so peacefully without considering the fact that she was still in danger.

Hyde stretched his arms and opened the lower cabinets under the sink. Inside, there was a first aid kit.

He pulled it out and popped it open. "Come here." He motioned Harper over. She was very hesitant, but she followed his directions. Hyde turned her around and began lifting the bottom of her top.

"What are you doing!?" Harper jumped forward, but Hyde dragged her back to him.

"Don't move."

"Pervert!" Harper elbowed him in the torso and managed to get out of his hold. "Don't touch me!"

"Listen here, Vixen." Hyde clicked his tongue. "I'm changing your bandage so your wound can heal. You're not my type. Get that through your head. Who would want someone as unattractive as you?"

"You weren't acting so mildly with your lady friend last night." Harper rebuked.

"Are you jealous?"

"No!" Harper scoffed.

"Good. That makes things easier."

"What kind of sane woman would ever consider a monster like you worthy of attention?"

"According to Arnest? A lot." Hyde chortled. "I never keep track."

"You're disgusting."

Hyde swiped his blade upward, and Harper's tank top split in half, along with the bandages. Both dropped to the floor and exposed her front.

She quickly covered her chest and spun around so her bare back was facing him. "Beast!"

Hyde placed the knife back into his belt and examined the scars on her. The wounds were doing a lot better. Rather than wrapping them again, he placed patches over every cut.

Then Hyde walked over to the wardrobe and opened it. Fortunately, there was a dress shirt from the last guest that stayed in the room. He snatched it off the hanger and tossed it at Harper.

"Get dressed and put on your mask."

Harper tensed and she quickly placed the dress shirt around her. It was very baggy on her, but it covered her chest and stomach well.

As she buttoned it up, Hyde forcefully placed the oxygen mask over her face. "Move faster."

"I'm trying my best!"

"Don't try. Do." He sneered. "If I wanted to wait for you, I would've let you wash up."

Hyde opened the door, allowing for Harper to exit first.

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