"Anything for you my pumpkin pie" He said and kissed her.
Fantasia texted her.
*Pick up your car tomorrow,?*

*Yes, enjoy it, I read in your book that you loved fast cars, I will come pick it up next week. Good luck with your court hearing. I really wish you get your everything back, even if it mean I have to be homeless*
Fantasia didn't respond to that. She just drove home.

Found her wife with a gym bag in the living room. Fantasia stepped inside closing the door. Bonnie stood up. "What's going on?"
"I will be in Malibu at my parents' for a while, you got a lot of shit going on baby... I'm here, I got your back and I'm rooting for you. But I don't feel needed, Tash I love you baby I do, with all of my heart. But I think you need space. So call me, or don't, I don't think you will" Bonnie said.

"Why wouldn't I call my wife?"
"I don't know, I always have your back. But I feel like this relationship is one sided. I mean I know I messed up when I poured hot water on you, that was wrong. Very wrong, but baby have I ever hurt you before?,"

"no baby. I know I upset you and I was too close, I forgave you. I did. And I want you to stay with me. I need you in court, I need somebody to hold my hand".

"Call Penda. I think you need her to hold your hand not me." Bonnie picked her bag. Fantasia held the bag. "i want you baby, I want you to hold my hand. Nothing is going on with Penda and I. I swear"

"Did you or did you not fuck her before your book tour?"
Fantasia swallowed hard. "great. Thank you wifey, way to break my heart after everything I've done for you. After I loved you so much with all of my heart, you just gonna crap on my love like that, Thanks, you know what don't call me. I'm too young to be trapped in some unrequited love kind of relationship"

"But, Bon, baby I am crazy about you. I love you. I don't want Penda, I want you baby I swear" Fantasia begged. "please put the bag down."

"Have you been sleeping with her? Cause you haven't been making love to me since. So, is she satisfying you?"

"No. I was just stressed out about this book tour, and everything else. I was nervous that people won't like my recent book because they read about my death, I was nervous that my writing career was over. But baby you helped me with that, and I'm still relevant, not as relevant as when I wrote the urban mysterious novels but people still read my work. So I'm less stressed out now, I just want my life back and take my wife out of this dumb. You are not used to this, you deserve a castle, and I know just how I can provide that for you and my kids. Bonnie stay please, baby put your bag down"
Bonnie plopped on the couch. Fantasia breathed and sat next to her. "You are out of your mind if you think I'm really gonna let my wife walk out that door after everything we've been through. Where else will I find a wife like you, 27 year old who's crazy about me?"
Bonnie smiled
She was 7 years older than her wife? Fantasia why are you robbing the cradle?

The weekend was over!
Good job Penda you managed to keep your husband away from Fantasia.
Monday morning. He was frustrated, trying to pick a tie, Penda hated seing him like that, she cared about him. But at this point, she was rooting for whoever wins.
She picked a tie for him and helped him tire it then kissed him. "Good luck baby. I will be in court, holding your hand through it all" She promised. He nodded.

They arrived at Court.
Stepped inside. Fantasia was with Bonnie, her ROD wife.
Fantasia and Bill shared a look, that was a hot look between them, the kinda of look that said "gosh I want to fuck you so hard"
Fantasia swallowed hard and looked away.

The judge requested an immediate freeze into all Bill's money and account. She gave him 10 days to leave the Beverly Hills home. She also requested all his assets and businesses to be closed down until her verdict, in 15 days.

They left the court. Bill was sweating bullets and hyperventilating. He got in the men's room, to get himself together, Fantasia walked in.

"Hi Jackass" she said shutting the door after the last guy step out.
He turned. "How did you do it? Hide from me... How did you do it?" he asked..
"I went to Prison long enough for you to forget about me. Look at that, you did and married her. You love her, huh... Penda, that's who you love?"

"I love her very much" he said. She nodded, curling her lips, trying to hide how hurt she felt. "good luck, I know you are up to no good, whatever it is, you gonna need my luck" Fantasia said. "You look hot Tasia"
"I know, I age like a good ol' wine"

"like a fine-ass wine. Makes me wanna Taste that" he correct. She bit her lip and lifted her eyes at him. Suddenly they looked aroused.

"Ckme here," He said. She walked closer. He picked her up and choked her. She liked it rough, he remembered. They kissed hard,
He entered inside her and pounded her aagaisnt the wall.
She moaned hard. He nutted inside her, and she came hard. He kissed her. "I missed sex with you, girl your pussy is still fucking tight. No nigga hitting that?" he asked. She got off, fixing her dress, "I'm into pussy now," she said leaving. She opened the door and stood there. "And Hey Bill, I've been fucking your wife too," She said, his jaw dropped, he paused. "Her pussy taste real good, I love eating her out, something about that pussy, I want more of it. Tell her to call me" she added and walked out. Bill clenched his fist and teeth!

Fantasia met her wife in the lobby, they went home in Penda's used to be beamer. "can we stop by the drug store, I need drugs"

"For what?" Bonnie asked.
"my head" she said, her wife nodded. They stopped by the store, she insisted to getting off Alone,
She got in the store and got the morning after sex pill.
She immediately took one there and then.
She hide the box in her pocket but handed the other drugs to her wife then drove home.

They found Penda outside their house.

"Seriously? Come on Fantasia!" Bonnie muttered
"go inside. I will handle this." Bonnie rolled her eyes and walked inside. Their baby sitter walked out. "Thank you Cherry"
"You welcome Mrs Smith" The girl said walking away. "Mrs Smith? You are still using his last name, is that why Rosey never call me Mrs Smith? Is that why you fucked my husband right before you told him you fucked me,? How bad do you wanna ruin my life cause it is in pieces because of you"

"He is still my husband Penda, and he still know how to please me. I needed my goodbye too. I cared about this guy, so yes I fucked my husband, it doesnt make me like him. But I liked the sex." Fantasia said "Does she know, what a hoe she married? Does she? Cause I'm starting to understand why she's crazy, you fuck around on her all the time don't you?"

Fantasia swallowed hard. "poor Bonnie, she deserves better than you"

"no argument there, I'm an ass, drive safe in my car for the last time" Fantasia said tossing keys at her. Penda caught them. "I was loyal to you the passed few weeks, picked you over my husband, big mistake, don't know what I was thinking, you are not a good person" Penda said, Fantasia walked closer and touched her ear. "It's healing fine. Does it hurt?" she sounded sweet and tender. "A little" Penda said calming down. Fantasia kissed her on the ear. "better,?"
Penda swallowed hard. "much better, shit what are you doing to me, now I wanna kiss you, even after every stunt you pulled today."

"You really do love me!" Fantasia said, playing with her hair.
"I don't wanna love you. You are just like him. I can do better"
"I'm not like him. I just love sex. Do I sleep around on my wife? Maybe. I'm an addict, I need help. But you can't blame me, Bill is fine as fuck. And you... Oh Penda, see, if I had you as my wife, I would never cheat, vanilla is good, very good, but I can't have it everyday. But I'm chocolate addicted. I can have chocolate for the rest of my life! And Bill? Bill is a little bit of both, plus he and I have hate-sex, it's hot"

"You are sick if you think that make cheating okay. I don't even want you anymore. Tell your wife she's off the hook, she can have you" Penda said before getting in her car.
She gave Fantasia an angry glare and pulled away, car screeching away.


Wanted to show you the Bill, Bonnie faceclaims. But WP won't let me add pictures. Maybe is my poor connection.

But... Bill is played by The Rock. Yes Dwayne Johnson

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