The Impala pulled up to a factory and almost came to a stop.

Dean and Francesca entered the factory, seeing that it was empty. They looked back and forth a few times, then started walking back in the same direction they'd come from, but in the hall. On their right, among all the old things and such, they passed a figure. They didn't see it and continued walking. Suddenly, the figure attacked them, pinning them against the window wall. They dropped their flashlights and the Djinn forced Dean and Francesca to drop their knives. The Djinn opened its left hand and it began to glow blue, his eyes doing the same. It put its glowing hand on Dean's forehead and Dean's eyes rolled up as they became a washed-out blue. The Djinn did the same to Francesca.


A TV was showing an old black and white movie. Dean woke up and saw a woman lying next to him.




"What's going on?"

"I don't know. I don't know where I am."

"What? What happened?"

"The, uh, the Djinn. It attacked me."

"The gin? You're... drinking gin?"

"No, asshat. The Djinn. The, uh, scary creature. Remember? It put its hand on me and I woke up next to some hot chick..."

"Who? Carmen?"


"Dean, you're drunk. You're drunk-dialing me."

"I'm not drunk! Quit screwing around!"

"Look, it's late. All right, just get some sleep and I'll... see you tomorrow. Okay?"

"Wait, Sam! Sam!"


Ella looked around and frowned. "What the-"

She called Sam. "Hello?"

"Sam, it's me."

"Who's me?"

"Ella. Something weird happened to me."

"I've never met an Ella. Have a good night." The line clicked as he hung up.

"Damn it!"


Dean picked up an envelope addressed to:





The next two envelopes were addressed to Dean, same address as Carmen's.

"What the hell?"

"Honey? What are you doing up?" Carmen asked.

"Hey. Carmen. Carmen, uh, I just uh..."

"Aw, you can't sleep, huh?"


"Well, why don't you come back to bed and let's see if I can do anything to help."

"Sure. Yeah. In a minute. You - you go ahead."

Carmen smiled. "Okay. Don't stay up too long."

"No." He picked up a photo, looked shocked, and dropped it.


The Impala drove up to the Winchester house. Dean shut off the engine and walked to the house, followed by Ella, who he'd picked up. He banged on the door and rang the bell twice. The porch light turned on and the door opened.

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