351 - 360

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Chapter 351


Qin Hanyue got out of bed and rushed out without even putting on his shoes, still in his pajamas and barefoot.

His mind was in turmoil. Just woken up from a nightmare, his limbs were very tired, and he stumbled as he walked.

Had Ye Sheng come tonight? Had the nightmare come true? Had Ye Sheng taken her away? The desperation and despair he felt in the dream when he lost her came to reality, almost killing Qin Hanyue.

His face pale, he recklessly went outside.

He found the talisman on the door frame had fallen to the ground. It wasn't blown off by the wind or fallen off on its own.

The talisman was crumpled, clearly torn off by someone.

Qin Hanyue, who was unable to think calmly at the moment, didn't have time to speculate. His mind was blank one moment and chaotic the next. He hurried out of the room and anxiously looked for people, looking for Qiao Ying, looking for the servants in the villa, asking if they had seen her.


The villa was as deserted as always, with only the noise he made himself. Even his breathing sounded so noisy.

The talismans in the corridor had also been torn off and randomly thrown on the ground.

Was it her?

Had she woken up?

His footsteps grew faster and faster. Not finding anyone, Qin Hanyue even began to take his anger out on the villa, hating how big the house was built, taking so long just to go downstairs to find someone.

Just as Qin Hanyue was about to lose control, he saw a thin, weak figure leisurely walking up the stairs.

It was exactly who he was desperately looking for.

Seeing that figure, Qin Hanyue froze in place.

The two met in the corridor.

Qin Hanyue looked at her, so nervous he could barely breathe. His limbs stiffened and numbed. He wanted to go up to her but didn't quite dare to.

Was it still her?

He asked himself.

The distance was a bit far. She was looking at him, but Qin Hanyue couldn't quite see her expression. But he could truly feel that familiar aura. The nightmare had come at such an inopportune time that when he woke up and saw her, he didn't even have the courage to recognize her for a moment.

Her calmness and silence also made him uneasy.

His heart was racing, almost more than Qin Hanyue could bear.


"Awake," Qiao Ying greeted him.

She had her hands in her pockets, her tone surprisingly casual, as if she had just gone to bed and slept last night and normally got up today.

The familiar tone made Qin Hanyue almost lose control of his tear ducts. The tension in his heart was released in an instant, and he finally dared to breathe.

It was her!

The nightmare hadn't come true. Her soul was still safely in this body. She was awake. She still existed properly.

Qin Hanyue's hesitant footsteps no longer had any obstacles at this moment. He took big steps forward and strode towards her.

She took two steps up to meet him.

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