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Turner, Taylor, Galen | 1997
In the Wilderness

Talia kicked the edge of Taissa and Van's makeshift bed, hitting her sister on the foot, waking the couple. Taissa was startled awake and looked up at her sister before groaning.

"Where's Quinn?" Talia asks.

"I don't know?" Taissa responds as she moves closer to Van, her eyes closing again. Talia sighs and kicks their mat again, which forces her sister to sit up and glare at her.

"You guys have slept in," Talia says dryly.

"Okay?" Taissa responds, "It's not like we have to be anywhere."

"Maybe not, but it's good to keep a schedule," Talia tells her sister. Taissa rolls her eyes and Talia rolls hers at the fact that her sister is rolling her eyes.

"You better get up or I'll give your food to Shauna," Talia says as she heads back toward the ladder.

Taissa waits until her sister is gone before looking at Van, "Okay Talia was a jerk before, but it's worsened since she and Lottie broke up. She's becoming controlling."

Van snorts, "Because she woke us up?"

Taissa hits Van, "Be serious. Talia's different."

"We all are," Van says, "What did you want your sister to sit idly by and stare at people? She's not writing reports anymore. People have died she's just doing what it takes to keep the rest of us alive."

"Really? Is that what she's doing with Travis?" Taissa asks.

Van sighs, "Tai, your sister went full on Friday the 13th on him. She's just trying to make amends by helping him find Javi."

"I'd agree if it was limited to them just looking for Javi. I think she's looking for a rebound," Taissa states.

"I doubt that's what Talia's thinking about right now."

Taissa shrugs, "It's what I would be thinking about."

Van gasps, "You've thought about us breaking up? And you've plotted a rebound?"

Taissa laughs, "No, I'm just saying if I were Talia then maybe I'd be wanting to make Lottie a little jealous."

"Then I guess it's a good thing you're not Talia then," Van says as she cups Taissa's cheek and kisses her.

Little did Taissa know that her sister had heard the entirety of her conversation with Van and Talia shook her head as she walked away from the ladder. Travis looks up as he notices her. Lottie was sitting by the window, and she noticed Talia as well, her eyes doing a double take as she watched Travis walk over to Talia.

"Are they awake?" Travis asks.

"Yeah," Talia says.

"Were they clothed?" Travis asks, a smile playing on his lips.

"Were you imagining them in the alternative?" Talia asks, playfully tilting her head.

Travis shrugs, "Would you judge me if I were?"

"Yes," Talia answers bluntly.

Travis shrugs, "Can't blame a guy for trying."

"Actually, I can," Talia responds, "You don't see me imagining you or anyone else naked."

"I wouldn't mind it," Travis responds, "If you imagined me naked."

"I would," Talia says with a smile, "Mind it."

Travis laughs, "Well it's your loss then, I look great."

Talia's eyes trail over him, "I don't know. When I saw you at the lake you looked a little skinny. I can only imagine how bad it is now."

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