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Quinn Galen | 1996
Somewhere in the Canadian Wilderness


Quinn and Taissa both turned to see Javi wandering around in search of his father. No one had seen Coach Martinez so the assumption had been made that he was among those that had perished in the plane crash.

"Fuck. Javi," Taissa says. She places a hand on Quinn's shoulder, "Go find Travis."

Quinn nods her head and she begins looking around for the elder Martinez brother. She wanders away from the crash site and finds Travis sitting against a tree. He also had some ripped cloth wrapped around his arm indicating he'd been wounded in the crash as well.

"Hey Travis," Quinn says as she looks up, trying to spot Javi, "Your brother is um he's looking for your dad."

"The door ripped open when we were going down. He was trying to help one of you idiots put on an oxygen mask, and uh he fell out," Travis tells her.

"Fuck," Quinn mutters, "I'm so sorry. I know what it's like. So, I know Javi is going to need you. Maybe you could talk to him?"

"You saw your parents fall out of a plane?" Travis asks her.


"Then you don't know what it's like and should mind your own fucking business," Travis tells her as he stands and walks off. Quinn takes a deep breath and lets him go because she knows he's mourning and he needs something and someone to be angry at.

She wanders over to find Jackie, Rosalynn, and Shauna sorting through luggage. She was happy to see that it seemed the younger Taylor sister was awake and moving around. She glances around before walking over to the three of them.

"Need help?"

Jackie looks up, "Uh actually, Shauna could you tell her what's going on?"

"Me?" Shauna asks as she looks up at Quinn.

Rosalynn looks up at Quinn, "It's not a big deal. Apparently, I have amnesia."

"What? That's like a really big deal," Quinn responds, "What have you forgotten? The last week?"

"Try the last two years," Jackie responds, "Birdy thinks it's the beginning of her freshman year soccer season."

"Holy shit," Quinn responds.

"Did you try out for soccer or something?" Rosalynn asks seemingly trying to figure out why exactly Quinn was on the plane in the first place, "Did you quit competitive cheer?"

"No, I am here because I thought I was getting a free vacation to Seattle," Quinn responds, "Talia and I were covering the match for the school paper."

"Talia," Rosalynn says softly as she taps her finger against one of the suitcases, "She's on the school newspaper."

"Yeah," Quinn says with a small smile, "She'll be happy to hear you didn't refer to her as Taissa's twin sister."

"They're twins?" Rosalynn asks as she looks at Jackie, "They're sisters?"

"You didn't find that out until last year," Jackie says softly, "Yes, they are twins and they are sisters and they are both here."

"Why did no one tell me this?" Rosalynn asks.

"We honestly thought you knew, I mean Talia, Taissa. They're practically the same name and they have the same last name. And they look exactly alike. Like only recently has it been easier to tell them apart," Shauna explains.

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