Now that he was closer to the window, the lights outside highlighted his face.

Tired from lack of sleep, hair messy from sleeping and in a basic t-shirt and sweatpants he entered the bed.

I turned to look at him, his green eyes cold while they stared into mine.

"Are you crazy?" I questioned him raising my pitch slightly.

He shook his head and just took me by the waist, closer to him, and turned me so my back was pressed against his chest.

"Sleep." He ordered and for some reason I listened.

And for the first time I slept without taking any pills or drinking until I blacked out.


When I woke up, I was alone. For a moment I thought that I dreamt everything even the part where Alonzo held me until I slept.

But I was proved wrong when Alonzo stepped out of the bathroom and stared at me with no emotion, like he didn't hold me against his chest hours ago.

My heart sped. It was an unknown emotion, one I couldn't put my finger on.

"Slept well?" He questioned me.

"Yes. Thank you." I responded. He nodded and headed for the door. Before stepping out of it, he stopped.

"Since our date didn't end when it was supposed to last time, I'm talking you out again today. Dress casual. Sweatpants and a t-shirt." And he left.

My mouth was parted, my brows furrowed and I was completely confused.

Alonzo Pierce

A scream. A scream so loud that could shatter a glass. I opened my eyes, alarmed.

Did anyone enter the house? Why did they take her?

I got out of the sofa, where I had been sleeping these past few weeks because the girl that just screamed took my room. I ran up the stairs.

"Breathe in, Breathe out" I stopped outside the door listening to her little breaths. Concerned on what happened, I opened the door.

"What the fuck happened?" I questioned her, my voice filled with concern and then I saw her.

New York's lights highlighted her face. Small, straight nose, almond shaped eyes who were slightly wide at the moment for staring at me and slightly parted plumb lips. She looked a little shocked, like she didn't expect anyone to see her in this state. She briefly shook, so little that almost no one would notice.

"Nothing. I'm okay." she said in a whisper and I stilled.

A voice that matched her face. A voice so smooth that reminded me of a sea with no waves.

And I wondered, what could have possibly happened to her that she didn't use this voice or why she did scream. A scream so loud, so raw that almost sent shivers through my spine.

Her eyes closed and I got rid of the concerned emotion on my face. She opened them again, getting rid of hers.

And I decided to do the dumbest thing I have ever done in my life. Sleep in a bed with a woman who I'm not having sex with.

Clandestine | 18+Where stories live. Discover now