Chapter 1

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It felt as though my senses were getting all mixed up and jumbled. I could see nothing and feel nothing, but I could hear faintly. I could only make out faint voices and sounds but not what those voices were saying. One sounded to be masculine and two feminine. They seemed panicked but again, I couldn't make out what they were panicked about. I heard loud noises, running footsteps, then nothing. The voices were gone but so was my consciousness.

I woke up soon after, with my senses restored. I remember a lot of what happened. Just that now I could see. There was a bright, blinding light above me. It took my eyes a few seconds to adjust to the ceiling light above me, but when they did, I could see the room I was in.

It was a room as white as a pearl. The walls added to the room's brightness with the lights reflecting off them. The room appeared empty. There is nothing but a large glass wall with a small table and chair behind it and a bed that I am laying on. The bed is comfortable too, like l am laying on an incredibly soft cushion.

Though all of that is nice, it's time to figure out where I am and what I can do to get out. So, with that, I get off bed and look for anything that can tell me where I am, but there is nothing. Though there is a door on the other side of the window. If I could break the glass I could probably get out.

With that thought in mind, I jumped at the glass and tried to break it. It doesn't even crack though but the sound was loud enough to alert any guards. In a flash, ten armed soldiers rush down into the room behind the glass. All ten hold ARs and seem to be heavily armored, almost like a SWAT team. A woman, no girl, she looked around my age, 16, walks in between them.

"So, the first thing you do when you wake up is try and escape? Even with your memories whiped, your gut seems to remember us." She says, her voice filled with authority. She must be the commander here. Her uniform screams commander as she shows off her many badges. The badges are on the right side of her chest.

I look at her and say, "So by the looks of it, I'm a prisoner. Am I right?"

"A bit more than that I'm afraid," she answers. She then takes off her cap and gives a sterner and more serious look. "I'd recommend not trying to leave again if you know what's good for you,"

She motions to her guards. They then leave the room in two rows of five and she follows right behind them. She places her cap back on as they leave with her long, purple hair flowing behind her as she exits.

When she leaves, I say to myself, "You think you're going to scare me?" I then head over to the bed and try to lift it. I knew I would fail but I tried anyway. I do need to find something to break this glass. I can't do it myself because I already tried that. There is a reason this bed is the only thing on this side of the wall.

Then at that moment I heard gunshots. It sounds like the guards are fighting something or someone up there. The commander then runs down into the place and locks the door behind her.

"You have to come with me now." She speaks with urgency. It appears she is scared, terrified even of whatever is up there. All the authority in her voice is gone and she now sounds more like she is pleading with me.

"Why would I go with you?" I asked, suspicious of what she wanted.

She looks up with fear as the gunshots continue. "The guards are holding that thing off as much as possible so that I can get you to safety. Please don't let their deaths be in vain." She says and presses a button outside of the glass wall and it rises into the roof. "Let's get going."

"At least tell me your name and what you are so scared of," I say as I exit the room.

"A monster is on the loose in the base." she says, trying to sound more like before and less scared.

Endless Worlds Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now