languages and more.

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Most people speak English but only 2 nations have it as their official language
Those being:

The Federal republic of Navara. And The confederation of Urania. The confederation also has a large population that speaks Spanish.

Although the Second Republic of Polshawa also has English as its official language they mostly speak Polish.

The empire of Bergstein and Kiprus reich. Both speak German.

The Republic of the Finn. Speak Finnish.

The Commonwealth of Allianz and Fianz. Allianz speaks English while Fianz speaks French.

The kingdom of hyran speak Norwegian.

The state of Kalmar and The Moskovskoe state.
Both speak Russian.

Maurian Republic speaks Italian. But also have a population who speak Oromo.

The people of Kairia speak Serbian and Bosnian.


Most royal and Nobel elves are taller than humans the rest of the elves are either the same height or a bit shorter than humans. Although taller Most elves are physically weaker and rely on speed and archery to fight due to being one of the physically weakest of all the races.

But they make up for it with their high intelligence and agility.

But 3 out of the 4 elven empires refuse to modernize and keep old traditions and technology.

Orcs are the biggest out of the 4 races. They're not so dumb having only a bit less intelligence than an average human. But orcs are the most prone to emotions and tend to act on their own. Thus having a horrible chain of command and horrible tactics. Most orcs are glory-hunting and don't care for honor or loyalty.

Most dwarfs are 3,5 to 4'2 feet tall. Their one of the richest out of all the races only falling behind the high elves. Dwarfs do have muskets but rarely use them due to their years of neutrality only recently breaking it to attack what they think is a weak target.

Humans. Humans are your basic Humans. They're the most well-rounded out of all the races. But can't use magic or magical weapons thus relying on their technology to turn the tide of battle.

Although having poor living conditions they have some of the best doctors and medicine.

No wars have occurred between the human nations due to multiple treaties being made with most issues being handled by a court.
Humanity has spent years working on their weapons having the most advanced so far. But they also have a lot of music with most musical instruments being made from humans.
Humans in this world don't divide themselves on color.

Most of the world thinks humanity has forgotten or forgiven them for the past and thus a group of elves has set up a ship to make contact with the humans on Navara.

Elves know some English but most have no idea of human languages and assume they speak the same languages as elves.

Elves only have three languages.

Sindarin, Quenya and Sindarin.

There are only 4 dwarfs nations. 2 on xantia 1 on pestico and 1 on belenia.

These nations are.

The Dwarven state of valena on pestico.

The kingdom of Oligrad. On belenia.

And the 2 on Xantia are the grand duchy of Revoun. And the Dwarven state of Midmarg.

Orcs don't have set nations and divide themselves by tribe. Every once In a while getting together but eventually always end up fighting each other.

Most orcs only speak dialects but English is somewhat known but heavily altered.

Westron is the most spoken orcish language.

Dwarfs some dwarfs know English and speak it with a somewhat Scottish accent.

But the official Dwarven languages are

Dwarvish and Khuzdul.

Now next chapter the story will finally begin.

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