The Secrets He Kept

Start from the beginning

To her surprise, it wasn't Fantasia who got out of the car... It was Bonnie.
Penda felt sad, she wanted to see Fantasia's look when she saw her kids after these years. Wanted to see how she would look at her for doing this beautiful thing for her. Bonnie took that away from her.

"Get in!" Bonnie said, looking upset, Penda didn't know what she was upset about but wondered.

She drove in silence. Got to their Destination.
A Lakehouse. They got off with the bags and went inside the house. It was a simple house. Just average.
Bonnie started cooking, she really looked upset, not talking to anyone.
After three hours, Fantasia got home. She got her jacket off and hung it. "Mom?" Her oldest muttered standing up. The boys stood up. Fantasia froze. "Jayden. Julian...boys"
They ran to her, and she squatted and hugged them, kissing them.

After a while of talking to them. She showed them a room.
Then approached her angry wife. "I'm sorry, I was gonna tell you"
. "When Tash, when were you gonna tell your wife that you have kids? When?" Bonnie shouted. Penda wanted to give them space, but she wanted to see how they handled this one. She had never seen lesbians fight before. She was in for a treat. Also, she just wanted to see how Fantasia treats Bonnie...
Fantasia turned her wife to face her. She started tearing up. "this is wrong Tash, it is so fucking wrong that your wife of two fucking years knows nothing about you. What else ain't you telling me?"
Fantasia looked at Penda. Penda looked down.

"She's not my cousin. She's my ex-husband's wife. I was married to Bill Smith, the billionaire"
Bonnie looked at her.
"The week we met, I was just fresh out of prison, I'm an ex-con!"
Bonnie picked a pot of hot water and threw it at her chest.
Fantasia gasped backing away. "Fuck shit it's fucking hot"

Penda stood up with her jaw hanging down.
Bonnie stormed out. She got in a car, they heard the Engine starting. Penda pulled a pack of ice and squeezed it on Fantasia's breasts.
Fantasia breathed. "T-Thank you. Oh fuck, why the fuck do I love her crazy ass so much. She's dangerous, that could have been my face"

"Love, make us do crazy stuff."
"Okay start talking. You stole my kids and came here?"

"I stole them and texted you to come fetch them. She came"

"Oh shit, that's her number, not mine. I had a good marriage for a change and I just... I screwed it up. I should have told her. Trusted her.".
"I guess"
"Should I take you home?"
Penda became sad. "I-I'm scared to be home alone, what if he kills me?" Penda asked, she lied, she trusted him, and she just wanted to stay.

"He won't harm you. You are his little trophy wife, perfect wife, no offense"

"non taken. I am a perfect wife!" Penda said. "and I would never pour hot water on my partner," Penda said. Fantasia lifted her eye, at her, one eye shut.

"Stop. Stop comparing yourself to my wife."
"I wasn't, how's your boobs?"...
Fantasia unzipped her T-shirt. "See, I'm fine"
Penda was staring.
"what is it about her that you love? I can't see anything. So tell me".

"She's crazy so is the sex. But is more than that...she's very smart, she's a ROD. She loves me, I had never had someone love me for me like Bonnie does. I don't try too much with her. I'm just myself and that's enough and she's gorgeous."

"I'm sensing that you and Bill had a horrible marriage."

"Deadly marriage. The only good thing that came out of it was my boys. Anything else was a fire in the fucking dumpster."

"I'm sorry"
"It's okay. I'm happy now and love it, With my kids thanks to you"

"I bet I can love you better," Penda said. Fantasia lifted her eyes again. Penda looked into her eyes, she meant business.

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