" Dear Diary... "

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[Don't ask about the song I chose.... doesn't matter. It's kind of the type of intro I'd imagine if i ever had the time to make a show out of this. So, enjoy, I guess?]

Alright.. now, where do I start? Uh.. just to clarify, I'm UN and this is my diary, or if you want to call it that, an autobiography. If you don't know. You're probably gonna know that from the title but who cares.... anyway, since usually people write about when they were kids in diaries, that's what I'm gonna go do right here. I should probably put a picture of myself in here. Maybe later.

My parents... I don't know them. All Moony said was 50 young countries brought a sleeping toddler into the SPACECARE (the daycare/orphanage place where young countryhumans, unionhumans and planets go before they're old enough to head to the COUNTRYHOUSE, or their solar system. Including me.) and that kid was me.

I've managed to find a few segments from Sun and Moon's diaries after writing them down for later use, (With consent, of course...) , so, I'll show them in a minute.


' I had a good day today, mainly because of one thing.. You already know how much I LOOOVE new kids at the spacecare, right?? Well that's good, because THERE WAS ONE!! AND IT WAS SO SMALL!!! Moony thought something was wrong wnd went to go check on it, he's so sweet sometimes.. also, forgot to mention I have a teeny crush on '

I cut that part off because it was a bit embarrassing for poor Sunny and he didn't want to show all you readers. And I know what it feels like to be embarrassed, but that's a story for tommorow. Continuing.

' Hopefully nobody read that... Back to the kid, it was wearing a suit that was way too big for it with holes cut for it's tiny cutesy blue wingy thingies, turns out it was a boy, and it was going to go the COUNTRYHOUSE later? Huh. That's odd. Countryhumans don't have wings... well, except for Poland. He's got them, but they're still tiny and he left AGES ago. Meanwhile, this baby was tiny, and his 'tiny wings' were actually double the size of him. Maybe it was a unionhuman, or some hybrid. Either way he looked pretty cool. So I have to go feed him now, he just woke up from his nap, anyway bye! *Future note: BTW the baby's called UN, I forgot what the full form was but yeah, confirms it! He's a unionhuman! Lighter shade of blue that the others, though....* '

Yep, that perfectly fits my description, even now. Except a lot of stuff is missing. Literally. I've lost an eye, a wing (don't worry I'm getting wing surgery tommorow), my fur's getting more greyish and has little white thingies in it, and I almost broke a leg when I fell off the roof yesterday. And my suit fits better now.

Don't go in my basement, there's lots of devices in there I don't want you guys to touch.. also I have a book I published and gave to all the COUNTRYHOUSE members called 'WHAT TO DO IF _ HAPPENS TO SOMEONE', because when Canada went in the basement after I SPECIFICALLY TOLD HIM NOT TO, he went and touched the age-altering machine and got himself turned into a baby. I had to flip to page 829 to remember how to get the machine to go to 'add age by _' mode.

That day I decided to lock the basement.

I'm 25.. actually, much more but I used the age altering machine to freeze my age so I'm *technically* still 25. I still have no idea how to live life to the fullest. Don't worry about that last sentence.... Besides, I have much more work to do that writing in this thing.

So, I guess I'll see you tommorow then...

-UN, Saturday 2024

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