Melting like Ice Cream

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I could feel it.

It all started on a blazing hot sunny day, I'd forgot my sunscreen and my usually grey-blue flag looked purplish... because... red and blue is purple?.. Whatever. Like said, the road was hot and for some reason I wsn't wearing shoes so my paws were burnt a little more with each step, it got so bad i had to hop to a puddle, and it had been heated up and was boiling hot too. I felt like I was melting... and I was. Little pieces of me were dripping off, and formed a trail behind me, and hardened up after a few minutes, like hot wax dripping off the candle. It hurt.

I started running, but that just mads the melting faster, and then i saw a lonely, abandoned icecream truck just sitting there, no owner. It still had icecreams in there. They wouldn't mind, right? Just one scoop.. I kept running for it, now my legs were a puddle in the road so I used my hands like a character in gorilla tag. I was just about to reach it, and then...




......I woke up.

It was all a dream. So now I know how Antarctica feels all the time, everyday. But I was sweating during it so much that my bed was soaked with it. It was a blazing hot summer day in real life, so I turned on the AC as quick as I could. It was almost 5... crap, I'm late. How is it even hot at 5....? But, oh who cares, I started work immediately.

At 7 I had to go down to do the morning announcments, but half of them were sleeping in. All that work for nothing... I spent a week writing down that speech... they probably don't even listen, do they? Then I noticed a few of them weren't feeling hot at all, like India and Brazil, who were talking about something about who's food is better, and one was literally fainted on the ground from the heat. Antarctica, to be specific. Greenland was trying to resuscitate him with CPR thinking the poor guy was dead. I telekinesis-got them two into the elevator  and told Greenland to take him to the ER on the 30-something'th floor. Then I turned on the AC there too, it was already on. I put it to 19 degrees, and EC mode. (Express Cold mode.)

Then around lunch, I was too busy working out how much 32 more AC's would cost, and my alarm rung, to tell me my 15 minutes of lunch started. I couldn't just leave the work there, so I continued, but fainted halfway anyways.

Probably because I didn't each lunch for 3 days straight combined with the heat. I woke up to an alsrm saying my 15 minutes of lunch were over and with a nosebleed that I had to go wash off. I fainted again on the CBFC (conveyer belt for countries) thing that stopped and dumped me off in front of BRIC's room, which was nearby the bathroom.. I woke up to see the carpet under my face was stained with blood. Thank god it was red already, so nobody noticed. I still had to clean it later when I was vaccuming, and everyunion was wondering why I was scrubbing that slightly-more-red spot so hard. That was embarrasing.

Then before dinner I got back in the elevator and it stopped, that was usual, but  then... it fell. All the 50 floors. I'd heard somewhere that I have to lay down so I did, clutching onto myself for dear life. It landed with a thud and I was unconcious. I woke up in the same dark elevator, my whole body hurt like crazy. There was debris everywhere and chunks of the ceiling. Nobody came to look for me.

...It's okay, they probably didn't know about the elevator... most of them use the ladder-and-trampoline to look cool now anyways...

I saw a number on the emergency poster I put on the elevator wall. I thanked myself for doing that. It had the number of the COUNTRYHOUSE emergency number, 81221 and my number. I dialed it and laid on the elevator ground, between all the debris, hoping I'd fall asleep soon, to get the time to go by quicker. Everything hurt, especially my stomach, like I said before, I didn't eat for 3 days. It was cool down here, though, somehow. A nice change from the hot summer weather. I did. Then I woke up around 3 am with a bandage on my leg, in my room. There was a plate of various fruits on my bedside table, an envelope, and a card saying 'Happy Labourer's day'. I'd gotten off with a twisted ankle and a few scratches, compared to me.......The elevator wouldn't be fixed till... god knows when..?
There's thankfully 4 more elevators.

That was kind of whoever did all that for.... me, of all people. My stomach no longer hurt after eating, thankfully. I got a can of fanta from the mini-fridge in my room and a bag of freeze-dried froot loops and binge-ate them while watching random stuff on my phone. Finally, a break.. that was nice. I probably wont get a break for another few.... years. Oh well. It just feels better the longer you wait for it.. and then... The envelope..

...It said I've got a break for a whole week. A week?.... A WEEK!!?

....Ok, bye, I've gotta binge-eat some more freeze-dried candy.

-UN, Wed, May, 2024.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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