Chapter 15

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 The day of the competition everyone at the Warfield house got up bright and early to get ready for the competition. What Nakita chose to wear was very feminine but would be very easy to fight in. When she was ready, she went to find her father and brothers.

When she found them, she asked her brothers, "Do you two plan to enter today?"

"What would be the point if we knew we would lose to you anyway?" Jagger asked her.

Nakita laughed and said, "True. Forget I ask." Since they were all ready they headed out.

The competition was being held in the training grounds at the palace, which was also where Nakita would practice with Prince Zander and his men. It didn't take them long to get there. Nakita's father and brothers stayed with her while she signed up. They didn't go find a seat until they showed her where she was to go to wait.

The general and the twins found Victor, Kaiden, Sunda and Duke Kari in the stands and sat with them. Duke Kari greeted them and asked them, "So are you guys worried about her?"

It was Jedrek who answered the duke, "Not at all. In fact the reason Jagger and I didn't bother to sign up is because if we had we would have lost to her anyway, so we figured there was no point." Jedrek laughed. "Knowing these three," Jedrek pointed at his friends, "that's also why they didn't enter."

The announcer got up in front of everyone. "Welcome everyone to our annual competition. We finally have a list of everyone that has entered. We have 16 competitors. We choose at random who fights who in each round. Here is how the first round is going to go." The announcer held out his hand and a golden stream left the palm of his hand and a list of who was fighting who was there for everyone to see.

In the stands the general laughed. "Only two ladies are entered, and they fight each other in the first round. That doesn't look very random to me."

Victor said, "I wonder if it was done this way on the emperor's order."

The duke asked the others, "Do you guys know what level she's at?" Everyone shook their heads no.

Down on the floor of the training area the fighting started. In the first round they had two areas set up for fighting. This way they could narrow it down a bit faster. Once the contestants came out to start everyone watching got quiet in anticipation.

In one area was Prince Klaus, who is the third prince with the same mother as Prince Klaus. He fought against Vito Acro, who had helped Livia Milton try to cause problems for Nakita. In the other area was Prince Rory, the second prince, and the heir of Earl Dalton. Prince Klaus and Prince Rory were the winners. Vito Acro was glad that his opponent hadn't been Nakita Warfield once he had heard that she had entered.

Prince Princeton, the fourth prince, fought a man from a military family that didn't live in the capital. So did the eldest son of Viscount Somerled. The winners of this round were Prince Princeton and the Somerled boy. The heir of Earl Dalton won his round. There was another military son and a farmer's son who fought. The military son won that round. Finally, it was the last two fights of the first round. There was a shopkeeper's son and a restaurant owner's son. The shopkeeper's son won.

Last was Nakita Warfield and Livia Milton. Nakita didn't say anything when she entered the area, she would be fighting in. Livia, however, had a lot to say. "Finally, it's time to put you in your place. I hope you don't think you're going to win."

All Nakita said was, "We shall see." Nakita didn't make the first move, she wanted to see what Livia could do. Livia immediately brought out a bow and arrow and shot at Nakita. Livia's aim was pretty good. It came right at Nakita's face. Nakita didn't move as a mischievous smile overtook her face. Without flinching Nakita snatched the arrow with her hand and laughed at Livia. Those in the crowd were awed by it.

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