Chapter 14

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For the next week Nakita didn't do much. She rested, cultivated and helped Ava at her stores and restaurant. Prince Zander came over to see her a couple times during that week. They would eat together, walk and chat. Just simple things to get to know each other better.

The next week Nakita was finally healed, and she wanted to train but she didn't want the person that Prince Zander had following her to find out, so she had to come up with some way to make it work. It didn't take long for her to come up with a plan. "I know that you are there somewhere watching me... I would like to speak with you for a moment." Nakita waited for a few minutes before a man in black clothes showed up in front of her.

"Miss... What can I do for you?"

"Were you told who the person you are here to protect me from is?" Nakita asked.

"Yes, Miss. It's your mother."

Nakita nodded and smiled. "Good. Since you were told that I want to make something clear. I plan on going to see my grandfather soon. When I am there, as long as my mother isn't there you are not allowed to enter the residence."

"But Miss, to protect you properly I should follow you everywhere."

"Let me make it clear. There is only one person that would or could hurt me... My mother. She is the only person who I need protection from. So as long as she isn't there you don't enter the Kari residence."

"But I will get into trouble by the prince."

"I will explain to the prince. And if you don't do as I say then I will make sure that my brothers and father discover your presence. What do you think they will do if they find out some man that they don't know has been following me around." Nakita had no problem doing what she needed to get this man to do as she wished.

"The general is formidable and I'm sure his sons are as well. I don't want to be on their bad side... I will do as you say miss."

Nakita smiled a smile that some might think was evil. "That's what I thought. Thank you. As long as you do this, I will make sure that the prince doesn't punish you for it. You have my word. And if the prince ever sends someone to take your place for any reason you must make sure they know to do this as well."

"I understand. Thank you miss." With that the man in black disappeared back into the shadows.

Since that was done Nakita started to get ready to head to the Kari estate. She made sure to pack her clothes that she wore as Kit. Once she got there, she explained to Sunda why she was there. Of course, he understood and thought her predicament was funny. But he didn't stop her as she changed and headed out to train with Prince Zander.

For the next week, Nakita got up early every morning and headed to the Kari estate. She would change and go train with Prince Zander. Once done there for the day, she would go back to Kari Estate and change again and go back home.

Prince Zander was particularly busy this week, so he hadn't gotten to go see Nakita, which he was upset about. So, at the end of the week, he sent a different person out to take the place as Nakita's guard. He wanted to see how she had been doing.

Once his man, Sam, got there he asked, "So how has she been in the last two weeks?"

"She has been doing well. The first week she didn't do anything strenuous. She rested a lot. She did go with her assistant to her business, but she didn't really do anything there. It seemed like she just wanted to get out for a bit. In the evening, it looked like she would cultivate. But her level never seems to go up. This week she has been going to the Kari Estate. You should know that she has ordered me to not enter the Kari Estate unless her mother is there. If I didn't comply, she threatened to reveal my presence to her father and brothers."

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