Chapter 6

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Prince Zander walked up to Victor and asked, "What is going on?" Prince Zander was closer to Victor than the other two so he naturally asked him.

"I'm not sure. I plan to go ask." Victor told him as he started to walk toward Nakita. He noticed that the prince was following him so he stopped and said, "I can tell that you are worried about her and want to know exactly what happened, but I have to be honest with you. If you walk over there she won't tell anyone what happened. She trusts very few people and other than her father and brothers, Sunda, Kaiden and I are the only ones she trusts enough to tell the truth to." Victor paused for a moment. "If you would like, find me later and I will tell you what is going on. At least, what she is comfortable with you knowing."

Prince Zander frowned. He didn't want to wait and he really wished that he was one that she trusted. "Fine. Thank you for being honest with me."

Victor resumed making his way over to Naktia. By the time he got there Kaiden and Sunda were already there. Before anyone could ask her anything, Nakita shook her head and headed to a remote, quiet corner so that they wouldn't be overheard.

They ended up on a balcony alone. Once there Sunda was the first to say, "So, tell us exactly what happened."

Nakita took a deep breath. "After dancing with Prince Zander I excused myself to use the restroom. On my way back from the restroom, Vito Acro backed me into a corner and tried to kiss me. When that didn't work he grabbed my wrist but I quickly got the better of him. Now he's scared that if he says anything contrary to what I told him to say that I will come and kill him. I questioned him and found out that Livia Milton put him up to it. She is jealous that Prince Zander danced with me when he apparently had never danced with anyone that was not family before."

Kaiden thought about it for a minute and said, "Actually, she's right. You are the first lady he danced with that was not his family. I didn't realize it earlier though."

Sunda, who was good at figuring people out and strategizing, said, "If she was willing to do that just to be able to ruin your reputation, then this won't be the last thing she does."

Nakita nodded. "I thought of that too. Don't worry I will prepare myself for more confrontations with her in the future." She looked at each of them before telling them. "I don't want anyone to interfere with the issues between her and I. I will deal with her my own way. And you know how ruthless and cruel I can be to my enemy."

"I don't like it but ok. Just don't forget that if you need help with anything... we are here to help." Victor wanted to be sure she wouldn't forget that.

"Just so you know, there is a chance that the emperor will ask me what happened. If he asks, you know I have to tell him. He seems to have taken a shine to you."

Nakita nodded in understanding. "Don't worry. I already thought of that. I am sure that he will ask you. Just make sure he agrees to keep the information to himself." She paused for a moment to make sure she hadn't forgotten to tell them anything. "Oh yeah. If Prince Zander asks one of you, go ahead and tell him the basics of what happened, just don't tell him how I got Vito Acro to agree to deny it. I mean, I did have to show some of my fighting skill to stop Vito."

Victor assured her, "Don't worry. We know what not to say." After that they all went back out to the main part of the dancing hall and went their own way.

Nakita started to slowly make her way around the hall watching people trying to remember all of their faces. They were all nobility so she was sure to come across everyone here again at some point.

Kaiden went to go find a pretty girl to dance with. Sunda just randomly started to wander. He knew that the emperor would find him at some point to ask about what had happened.

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