Chapter 13

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Nakita kept up her training and cultivation schedule. Try as hard as she might, she couldn't stay away from her mother completely. But she had been successful at not going out, so the only ones who saw her were the ones who lived with her.

It was a few days after her mother arrived that they were alone together for the first time. Her mother cornered her in a remote part of their garden. Of course, no one else was around to witness what was about to happen.

Kalda Kari walked up to Nakita. The anger and animosity could be seen visibly. "So, after you got here you still insisted on doing the things that ladies aren't supposed to do, huh?"

Nakita never let her mother dictate what kind of person she was or what she liked to do. "Did you really think that I would actually stop doing the things I love?"

Kalda slapped Nakita across the face. "What makes you think that you can talk to me that way? I am your mother."

"Yes. You are my mother, unfortunately. I know you don't like me... In fact, I would say that you don't even love me. I am ok with that, but just because you are my mother doesn't mean I am going to be who you want me to be." Nakita never failed to voice her opinions to her mother, even if it caused her mother more anger.

Kalda had a wooden rod attached to her dress. She grabbed it and started to hit Nakita with it. She didn't hit her face, but everywhere else was fair game. This isn't the first time that this has happened. Kalda had done this many times.

If it were anyone else Nakita would fight back, but it was her mother. If she beat up her mother and anyone found out.... It would ruin her. In the society she lived in respecting your elders was a must, especially your parents. So, all she could do was to stand there and take it.

By the time her mother was done, Nakita was bruised all over below her shoulders. Her mother left her lying there alone. After a few hours of lying there her assistant came looking for her.

Once Ava saw her lying on the ground, she ran up to her to check on her. "Miss, are you ok? What happened?"

When Nakita spoke, her voice was quiet. She was trying her best to withstand the pain. "Help me to my room. I'll tell you after we get there."

Ava helped Nakita to her room and immediately started to run a bath for Nakita. She knew it would help with the soreness. When the bath was warm and full Nakita stripped to get into the bath. Ava was shocked to see how badly she had been beaten up. "What happened Miss?"

Nakita sighed as she lowered herself into the water. "My mother happened." It was one of the more painful beatings her mother had given her. "Later after I get cleaned up I wish to go see Sunda, if you aren't busy with the stores you can come with me."

"Of course I'll come. I don't think that you should go alone right now." Ava couldn't believe her own mother had done that to her.

"Oh, and Ava, don't tell my father or brothers about this," Nakita told her.

Ava was shocked to hear her Miss say that. "But why? I know that they love you and you are close to them."

"I tried to tell them years ago how mother treats me but they didn't believe me. She only acts this way toward me. She never shows this side of herself when they are around. Today she waited until I was alone. There weren't even any of our servants around. There were no witnesses."

It took Nakita longer than normal to get dressed after soaking in the bath for a long time. The bath did help but she was still in a lot of pain. Whenever she moved, she was stiff. You could see the pain in her movements.

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