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[First is reviewing the photos from the food photography shoot back at the studio.]

First: Alright, let's see how these turned out.

[First uploads the photos onto the computer and begins to sift through them. as First continues to review the photos, Samantha walks by and notices the screen.]

Samantha: How's it going, First?

First: it's good. The dishes look mouthwatering, just like you wanted.

Samantha: That's fantastic to hear. Let's go through them together and pick out the best ones for the client.

[They spend some time selecting the top photos and making minor adjustments to enhance their visual appeal.]

Samantha: These are looking fantastic, First. I'm sure the client will be thrilled.

First: Thanks, Samantha. It was a fun shoot, and I'm glad we were able to capture the essence of the restaurant's cuisine.

[With the photos finalized, they prepare to send them off to the client, knowing that their hard work has paid off in creating stunning imagery that will showcase the restaurant's dishes to perfection.]

( Interview results of Mike and Aj )

Khao: So, how did the interview go, guys?

Mike: It was intense, They asked some tough medical scenario questions, but I feel confident about our answers.

Aj: Yeah, definitely. And the panel seemed impressed with our knowledge and enthusiasm.

Khao: That's great to hear! So, what's next? When do you start your pre-internship?

Mike: Actually, it will start soon. We'll be shadowing doctors in different departments, getting a feel for what it's like to work in a hospital setting.

Aj: I'm excited but also a bit nervous.

Khao: You guys will do great, I'm sure of it. Just remember to soak up as much knowledge as you can and don't be afraid to ask questions.

Mike and Aj : Yes , Khao

Khao: Alright, time to hit the books and dive into some research.

(Entering the library, Khao finds a quiet corner and settles in with his laptop and textbooks.)

Khao: Let's start with the basics. The role of nutrition in childhood development is crucial. Poor nutrition can lead to stunted growth, cognitive delays, and weakened immune systems.

Khao takes notes, jotting down key points and findings

As Khao delves deeper into the research, he becomes engrossed in understanding the intricate connections between nutrition, childhood health, and long-term well-being

Hours pass as Khao continues his research, fueled by a passion to understand and promote optimal health for children.

[First sits at their desk, hands clasped together in anticipation]

Samantha: First, we just got an email from the client. They loved the photos!

First: Really? That's amazing news! What did they say?

Samantha: They mentioned how the images perfectly showcase the restaurant's dishes and ambiance. They're thrilled with the outcome.

First: That's such a relief. All the hard work paid off.

Samantha: Keep up the excellent work, First.

First: Thank you, Samantha.

[As First scrolled through his phone, he noticed a message from Khao]

Khao: Hey First, I have a bit of a favor to ask. you know I've been working on this research on children's health.

First: Yeah, I remember you mentioning it. How's it going?

Khao: It's been going well, but I could really use your help. My friends who usually assist me are swamped with their stuff, and I was wondering if you'd be free to come along and lend a hand?

First : I'd be happy to help, Just let me know when and where, and I'll be there.

Khao :  How about tomorrow?

First :Yeah, sure, I can make it.

Khao : Great! Let's meet at your place around 10 am tomorrow, and we can head over together.

First : okay.

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