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(sending applications for pre-intership )

Khao, Mike, and Aj are gathered around a table in the college canteen once again. Khao has his laptop open, and they are discussing the progress of their pre-internship search.

Khao: Alright, guys, I've been reaching out to our seniors and sending emails to hospitals. So far, I've received a few responses.

Aj: That's great news! What did they say?

Khao: Well, one hospital is interested in interviewing for potential pre-internship positions. They have openings in various departments, including pediatrics, surgery, and internal medicine.

Mike: That sounds promising. It's good to have options. Did they mention anything about the interview process?

Khao: Yes, they want to come in for interviews next week. I've already scheduled your appointments, so you just need to prepare and make sure to present yourselves well.

Aj: I'm feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Khao: I'll continue to follow up with other hospitals to see if they have more options.

Mike: That's a solid plan. We appreciate your hard work, Khao.

Khao: All the best for your interview

[ They share a collective sense of determination, ready to tackle the interviews ]

Aj: So, Khao, what type of research are you thinking of doing?

Khao: I'm leaning towards research related to children's health. There are so many important areas to explore, like pediatric diseases, development, and interventions.

Aj: That sounds fascinating! Children's health is such a crucial field. Are you thinking of focusing on a specific aspect?

Khao: I'm still narrowing it down, but I'm particularly interested in studying childhood nutrition and its impact on overall health and development. I believe it's an area where more research could make a significant difference.

Aj: That's really commendable. Improving children's nutrition can have long-lasting effects on their well-being. I'm excited to see where your research takes you.

Mike: Count me in for any support you need, Khao.

Khao: Thanks, Mike , Aj. I appreciate it

( First's first project at Shuttered Lens )

Samantha: Hey, First, I've got a project for you. We've got a food photography assignment coming up, and I need you to handle it.

First: Sure, Samantha. What do I need to do?

Samantha: Well, we're working with a local restaurant to photograph their new menu items. Your job is to set up the shots, style the food, and make it look absolutely delicious.

First: Got it. Do you have any specific instructions or ideas for the shoot?

Samantha: Yes, we want the photos to be bright, colorful, and really capture the textures of the food. Think natural light, vibrant backgrounds, and close-up shots that make viewers want to reach into the picture and grab a bite.

First: Sounds great. When's the shoot?

Samantha: Tomorrow morning at the restaurant. Make sure you have all the necessary equipment and props ready to go.

First: Will do, Samantha. I'll make sure everything looks appetizing and ready for the camera.

Samantha: Perfect. And don't forget to have fun with it. Food photography is all about making mouths water and stomachs rumble!

First: I'm excited to dive in.

Samantha: Let's make those dishes shine!

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