"Wow, poor Grandpa." Rory said softly.

"How did your sisters like it?  Gigi wasn't even born when it happened, and April was just a baby."

"They learned about it in school, and we talked about it today.  Where Logan and I both were when it happened.  Logan was over seas on a trip with some friends, unable to get home for two weeks.  Even having a private jet, they couldn't fly.  He said that even for as much fun as they had all been having, it was a somber end to the carefree leisure.  Everyone just hung around the hotel, not feeling up to doing anything.  They all just wanted to go back home, but couldn't."

"Where was he?"

"Greece. He had gone with Collin, Finn, and the crew.  It was one of those typical drunken college frat boy trips.  There were like 10 or 15 people in their group, and it was one huge party, until it just wasn't.  Logan said they had been at the Santorini International Music Festival, and all of a sudden, everyone's phones started ringing, with their parents calling.  Logan said that his parents never called him when he was on one of those trips, but all of a sudden, everyone's phones started going crazy.  Logan said that as soon as they found out what was going on, everyone wanted to go home, but couldn't.  They were stuck for two weeks.  They couldn't even enjoy themselves because they were so worried about when they would be able to go home.  Then, even when they did finally get to leave, the only thing that really made the trip home more bearable was that they were flying privately and had known their pilot for years.  But he said it was still pretty uncomfortable."

"Wow,I can't even imagine." Emily commented.

"I know, me either.  Mom pulled me out of school that morning.  She didn't want me away from her for the rest of that week.  Logan said that when he was finally able to get home, both Shira and Honor were at the airport waiting for him, which never happened."

"I imagine they were worried sick."

"I would have been too.  That week was so terrifyingly weird."

"Had you guys ever talked about it before?"

"No. Amazingly enough, it never came up."

"It's kind of odd how it's almost become taboo.  It's one of those things that you don't really talk about, unless directly asked.  And it's asubject that doesn't come up a lot, but then when it does, people quickly shut it down."

"That is so true." Rory agreed.

"The entire situation is just so sad.  So many lives were lost that day."

"It was really surreal to be there today.  We went to lunch after, and were still in a weird funk for another hour.  Going over to Ellis Island helped snap us out of it, and reminded us of happier times. It was a great trip.  We did some shopping, and enjoyed being out of the house.  G and April had asked Logan to take us to Tiffany's. None of us had ever been, so Logan was actually really excited for that."

"You'd never been to Tiffany's?"

"Logan does his shopping alone."

"He'd never taken you?"

"Nope! It was always just something that he did to surprise me.  I had never been before today.  I honestly never had any desire to.  I'm just not that person."

"You aren't materialistic at all."

"I'm really not.  That kind of stuff just isn't my thing.  Logan likes to spoil me with expensive things, but at the end of the day, I'm still me.  I might be CEO of a giant multi-national company, but I'm still the same Rory that I've always been.  My bank account might be a lot bigger, but it still means nothing to me.  I actually don't even know how much is in it because Logan has an accountant that takes care of everything for us.  I couldn't even tell you how much money we make because I honestly have no idea."

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