"I'm pulling up the app right now. Give me a second. Do you have NST equipment at the clinic?" Paris asked.


"It looks like it could be Braxton Hicks. Rory, are you able to move at all?"

"Do I need to?" Rory asked.

"Logan, can you meet me at my office? If it's too painful for Rory, we can get an ambulance."

"I can get there faster than an ambulance can. Have someone meet me at the front door with a wheelchair."

"I'll see you in fifteen minutes." Paris said, then disconnected the call.

"Lorelai, grab Rory's shoes and a sweatshirt."

"I'll grab your purse." Emily said, immediately leaving the room and heading down the stairs.

"Logan, I don't want to be hospitalized." Rory cried as Logan pulled the blankets back.

"I know Ace. I don't want you stuck there either, but we need to at least go find out what's going on. We are just going to Paris' office. You know she won't make you stay there unless absolutely necessary. Especially not after last time."

"I don't want to go. Can't Paris just come here?"

"Ace, you need a non-stress test to figure out if this is Braxton Hicks contractions or actual labor contractions. I don't have the equipment at the clinic, but Paris has it at her office. Come on, I'm going to carry you. Just tell me when the pain starts and I'll stop, ok? Put your arms around my neck."

"I've got her comfy boots and a jacket." Lorelai said as she came back from the walk-in closet.

"Grab the blue plush blanket off the chair in the corner. It's Rory's favorite."

"Do you have a hospital bag that you want me to grab?"

"It's not packed yet." Rory said as Logan lifted her out of the bed.

"Well, if you end up needing one, I'll get it for you."

"We're supposed to go to Honor's for dinner." Rory said as Logan carried her out of the room.

"Ace, it's not even 1pm. We can still make it back for dinner. Lorelai, when is the last time that Rory ate?"

"She had a sandwich when I got here. I gave her one before taking the rest to Honor's."

"How much has she had to drink?"

"A couple bottles of water."

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