36. His Words Heard

Start from the beginning

Captain leaned back. "So in order to save them...?"

"You need someone to get inside for you. Someone they trust," Thomas said.

"Someone who already works for them?" Captain asked tentatively.


"And that someone would be you?" Captain asked.

Thomas didn't reply straight away. He didn't seem too interested in being that person, but his anger was growing again.

"Jomica or not, they let my brothers get killed. Fifteen people are gone because of them," he said quietly. "I might be feeling angry enough to be that person."

"Understood. I need that address so we can start monitoring the place," Captain said.

"Just don't get caught. Their rules are very clear. If they suspect you have found their location, they will not hesitate to kill them. And there will be..."

Captain tilted his head.

"...babies," Thomas muttered, regret growing in his eyes.

"Understood," Captain said. "Give me the address. I will reschedule this meeting until I can bring General Gray with me. I doubt it will take long."

"Sure," Thomas said, and Nico gave him a piece of paper and a pen. "This is the place. And this..."

Thomas wrote down another address.

"This is their base," he said, and pushed the paper back to Nico.

"A base?" Captain repeated, taking the paper from his partner.

"Yup. It's a big one. Loads of guns and terrorists and shit," Thomas said.

"Understood," Captain said. "Anything else I should know right now?"

"I guess. It's about Mercer," Thomas said. "We weren't after him. We were told to kill him, yeah, but our top priority was to get that kid he was with. I don't know why, but he's very important to Jomica. Or whoever the fuck we worked for."

I frowned. Could it be...?

I glanced at Reid, who had a deep frown on his face when he glanced at me. We were both thinking about the same. That kid Mercer was with was Ruben Campbell's son. The son of the leader of Jomica.

So... Could it be Thomas was telling the truth, and he really was working for Jomica?

"If that kid is still alive, you better protect him," Thomas added. "They will not stop until they can get him back."

"Understood," Captain said. "Anything else?"

"I... can't think of anything urgent right now," Thomas said.

"All right," Captain said with a nod. "I'll tell the guards to give you a better cell. A private one with nice accommodations. I'll also tell them to give you a notebook and plenty of pens. Write down every little detail you can remember. All of it. Every name, place, conversation."

"Yes, sir," Thomas said.

"And... If you don't mind... I'd like to know who these people were," Captain said, pointing at the pictures on the table. "I'd appreciate it if you could write down their names on the back."

"I'll do my best," he said. "And... Do you think you can find those two who didn't get caught?"

"If you can give me their names and addresses, I can try to search for them," Captain said.

"And what would you do with them if you found them?" Thomas asked.

"I can bring them here, and they would get the same treatment if they cooperate," Captain told him.

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