A new world-1

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Pov Neo anderson

As soon I we recovered from the shock,I realized that it was still dark outside,I quickly went to see Aria jhonson and Micheal Clark,when I saw that Micheal with his crew had stabilized the reactor and power was back on,I took the microphone and announced"this is captain Neo Anderson,we dont know whay happened right,i want all of you check on everythingand make sure that everythingis on place and if anythingis damaged,quickly get on to fixing if you can and also report any senior officer"

Aria jhonson: I need all of the systems back online as soon as possible!,Prepare the jamming systems and keep them on standby!

Micheal clark: prepare the E-2 Hawkeyes! as soon as the catapults are online,I need Those planes in the air!

On USS ohio

Pov Joseph franklin

After recovering from the shock,I realized that the submarine was surfaced,and the power was gone,I immediately sounded the alarm,and everyone started to check up the systems and bring the submarine under normal conditions.

Joseph franklin: I need the sonar activated as soon as possible!!

On USS jack H. Lucas

Pov stacy jones

I woke up up and immediately checked the surroundings, I jumped up and sounded the alarm and announced"This captain stacy jones,i want everyone to restart the ship as soon as possible" and then I went to William Garcia and said"Go to the radar operator and i start the Electronic warfare system,i do not want that thing to fiddle with our radars again.",he replied with "ok mam!"

And soon enough,the the engines and generators were back on.



I woke up panicking,the ship seemed,I too a breath of relief as won't be held responsible for the sinking of the ship,I quickly went to my officers and asked them about what the hell was going on

Marissa:can anyone tell me what happened?

Logan:we don't know anything everything happened in front of you

Janelle:the ship is in pristine condition,but it's turned of

Marissa:Do one thing,I want this ship to be back on,Alex,I want you to contact the fleet as soon as radio is online,I dont want this ship to sink here today

All:Got it!

Later,I looked at the port side of my ship,THERE WERE UNKNOWN SHIPS APROACHING!,wait,I the flag of japan,India and UK,what's going on?

3rd person pov

All of the ships were regroupe,and all of the captains of their respective ships were on the JS kaga as they shared their experiences

Neo:so know one know how we all ended up here,we got no GPS signal or anything,


Neo:So I need everyone's thoughts,what should we do?should we send an SOS?

Joseph:that would be the smartest course of action,but before that I would suggest that we get our ships into fully working status,we do not know what comes ahead,there is not a single time that I have had a normal patrol.

Neo:all agree?


3rd person pov

After the small meeting with the different officers from all the ships that appeared in a single use known place,everyone went back to their work stations,all seemed normal except

Pov Suresh Chauhan

I was doing my normal duties and keeping a check on the crew when Rina came running towards me,I was taken aback by her shocked face,so I said"whats up?",she still in her shocked tone said"captain,remember that we were only given half the bramhos missles for this mission?",I was like "yeah i do,it was because we were in a large group",she nodded and said"yeah,but for some reason,we now have a full load of the missles"


I now knew why she was shocked,because I was too,I quickly said"what about all other weapon and ammunition", she replied with"full"


This was too much for me so I said"contact the other ships,and ask them if their ammunition was full and resupplied too.",she quickly replied with"yes captain" and went off

Now I was like"that was lucky,but what can we do with missles without the sattlites,its like being surrounded with water,yet we can't drink it because it's too dirty" as I was thinking this,my navigation affixed called me and said"Sir!you need to look at this,we are getting signals,even without satellites! We are saved!"

Well that solves the problem,now I said to radio officer and said"contact the other ships,tell them if they are ready,we will soon need to send an SOS so we have to be ready"

3rd person POV

Soon all of the ships were ready,apparently,they also faced similar things,like the nuclear reactors of the ships were now filled with newly enriched uranium,the fuel for planes on USS enterprise and JS kaga were now on full,the diesel on their ships were also full,and same goes for ammunition and food resources.

Now all of the crew was ready to send the the SOS


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