dissappearence 2

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0900 hours-japan

3rd person pov

We can see several ships moving away from Japanese mainland,there was a joint military excessive that was going to be held,the weather forcast told that there will be light shower and mostly cloudy weather,and no winds,this was a good weather for a joint military exercise,it would be taken in form of voyage from Japan to pearl harbour and back in a span of 3 weeks,the ships in the exercise were

JS kaga,JS sōryū,JS Maya,INS sahyadri,INS satpura,INS chennai and INS kochi and 2 resupply ships

This special training was held to give experience of long voyages to the crew To operate ships perfectly in actual long voyages if a war breaks out.

0930 hours

Hiroshima tanaka Pov

I have recently been promoted to the rank of captain and given my own ship JS kaga,It is an Izumo class helicopter carrier,I have always dreamed of Commanding a ship,now that I have a chance,I am nervous,but I won't let it stop me from performing like an actual captain,I want to became role model for my crew and juniors

Pov saki Ishikawa

This is my first time Commanding a whole submarine,it's not like I haven't commanded a ship,but I wasn't giving my own orders,I had orders from my captain that I would relay,or I would recommend things to captain and wait for approval,I never had full command of the ship,I hope this experience helps me,God,please help me and guide me

Pov yuto kobayashi

I have been recently been promoted oted to rank of captain because of my excellent Commanding skills,the admiral was very nice and he personally gave my name in the recommendation for my promotion which was quickly accepted,and I want to keep other's trust

Pov Rajiv Nair

I am the captain of INS sahyadri,I was chosen to be the captain of this ship for the training exercise,I have some experience on this ship,but this is my first time going on an overseas journey,I hope that everything goes well

Pov Meena Singh

I am a colleague and batchmate of captain Rajiv nair,I was promoted to captain soon after he was,so I have similar experiences like him,this is also my first overseas voyage,I hope that all goes well

Pov Suresh Chauhan

I am an experienced captain leading the group,I was quickly promoted to captain due to my abilities and some higher connections,I have a history being a successful captain,and I do not regret being promoted to captain from connections because I was still able to lead my juniors well

Pov Arjun Kumar

I am captain Arjun Kumar,I have served under captain suresh Chauhan for a long time,he was the best captain I have ever had,to me,it's an honor to have a chance to work with him once again,as I can still learn more from him on the same rank

1100 hours

3rd person pov,the voyage was going well,no problems,the weather was cloudy,visibility was great and the light showers hadn't started yet,JS sōryū was under water as per orders and the ships were sailing nicely.

1200 hours

Third person pov

The light showers had began,everyone was enjoying the feeling of cool breeze as they moved,they had also started doing the drills,all the weapons and electronics were in top notch conditions,all the ships were had 50% ammunition storage,we could also see the F-35 launching from JS kaga for testing.

1300 hours

Pov Hiroshima tanaka

I was doing my usual things on the bridge and checking the crew when the radar operator called me
"Sir,i am detecting bad weather ahead,unlike the report,there is thunderstorm i am detecting"he said

"Keep track of the storming ordered

I thought for Second before calling Lieutenant yuto kobayashi and said"contact the fleet,tell them that there is big storm approaching ahead,tell them to make calculations, we will try to go around the storm and max the maximum detour that our fuel allows"

1330 hours

3rd person pov

The fleet had made a detour from the center of the storm,but it was not big enough to avoid the storm completely,the helicopters and jest were now all inside the respective hangers of the ships ans there was heavy rainfall outside

Pov Arjun Kumar

I was on the bridge when Mohit Singha came to in a rush and said"captain!there is a report saying that satellites have detected high interference in signals in ionosphere,it's strong in ought render our radars useless,what should we do?"

I asked"how long until the storm continues?",he waited before saying,"our estemate tells 1 hour",I immediately said"order the fleet to come to a dead stop and tell JS sōryū to moniter the ocean and tell all the ships to keep their radar on maximum alert"

He left before saying "yes captain"

1350 hours

The fleet had now come to a dead stop,everything was normal except the interference in the radars and signals,it was so bad that they could not receive any signal from the GPS and they were now all on their own

1355 hours

As things wernt bad enough,

*bam,electrical noises*

*thunder noises*

The radars stopped completely,the engines of the ships were now turned off,all of the ships were now running on backup generators,JS sōryū was forced to surface as its engines failed too.

It was all panic situation as everyone was trying to get the engines running again.


A thunder was struck in the middle of the fleet as everything went white


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