Disappearance 1

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March 20,2026

America navy has commissioned its newly built  its USS enterprise with registry CVN-80 built with the same steel as its predecessor CVN-65,it I equipped with state of the art weaponrhand defence systems,even consisting of New laser based AA named HELIOS.

Today the USS enterprise would go on its first patrol mission with its strike group consisting of many ships to investigate an anonymous submarine group detected by USS ohio that is suspected to be chinese subs

For this mission
USS jack H lucas and USNS victorious were sent along with the strike group to investigate.

1900 hours

Pov neo Anderson

We were making our way towards USS ohio to investigate the anomalies,damn,why do these chinese never stop annoying others,gotta admit that their tactics are annoying,spy balloons,onion peeling techniques, and the "weopons testings" god they are frustrating.

"This is captain stacy jones of USS jack H lucas,do you read me,over" The radio spoke up as I was in the bridge,I shrugged up my thoughts and replied"this is captain neo Anderson, we read you,over"

I waited for response

"We have reached to the location of USS ohio,the captain of USS ohio is saying that they have lost the anonymous submarines,we await further orders"

I was only annoyed by this,but the problem was that these sneaky subs could b anywhere and could also be targeting us right now,I worriedly then ordered.

"Captain stacy jones,please rejoin the strike group and also tell USS ohio to join formation,launchyour ASW helicopters to find the subs,they can be targeting us"

I waited hesitantly

"Got it"
Then turned around the Lieutenant commander and said"send 3 helicopter to petrol the sea,make sure no enemy subs are in range"

1930 hours

3rd person pov

USS jack H lucas and USS ohio had joined formation as 5 ASW helicopters were patrolling the area,but no enemy subs were found,it was both relieving and annoying,no enemy subs meant that they were safe "for now",and they had lost the mission they came for,for now the higher command had given order to patrol the area,while the USNS victorious was ordered to patrol in further in the formation.

USS jack H lucas

Pov stacy jones

This is one of the most boring patrols on which I have ever been,we are on constant high alert for an enemy that we can't even find,joining the formation was a kind of smart idea as it increases the survival rate if the enemy decides to hit us"if its there",but atleast I can admire this newly built beauty that next to me.

USS ohio

Pov Joseph franklin

Today has been the most tense and boring day of my life,first I go on a patrol on a lone submarine in the ocean,find many submarines that were a potential threat,then for some reason be ordered to chase them,i know that this is a state of the art submarine, but that doesnt mean that it is invincibleto torpedoes,now when we get help,we are met with complete silence,thankfully we are now not alone.

USNS victorious

Pov Marissa Grant

Today is the most exciting day of my life,I am able to work with an actual carrier strike group,which is one the biggest strike group I have ever seen!I can't wait wait to actually,find those enemy subs! Will be on news!I can't wait to detect the subs!!

Pov Logan Smith(first officer)

Does she realizes that that she saying it all loud?

2330 hours

3rd person pov

The night was on full moon as moon could be seen climbing up in the horizon,the sky was clear and moon was the only source of light,but still the subs weren't found,but then the problems starting to came up

USS enterprise

Pov aria jhonson(second in command)

I was doing my job,suddenly the radio operator called me

"Whats the problem"i say,

"Mam,there seems to be high electromagnetic interference,and it's only seems to be increasing,if we don't get the helicopters down in time,they could fail and fall into the ocean."

That's concerning,I thought

I quickly rush to the bridge and tell the problem to the captain,he reluctantly agrees but orders all ship fall back into close formation as we will change the course to pearl harbour.

2350 hours

3rd person pov

The ships were now moving full speed to pearl harbour as the electromagnetic interference seemed to follow them

*electrical failure SFX*

The radar equipment have seemed to stop working and the engines of all ships have failed,jts all panic situation everywhere

Neo anderson:this is the work of north Koreans I am telling you!


Joseph franklin: I can't have a normal patrol can I?

Stacy jones:what were these subs upto?


Right when moon reached its peak and the time ticked to 12 in the midnight,a portal opened up sucking in USS enterprise,USS ohio,USS jack H lucas and USNS victorious with the crew

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Right when moon reached its peak and the time ticked to 12 in the midnight,a portal opened up sucking in USS enterprise,USS ohio,USS jack H lucas and USNS victorious with the crew

To be continued........


So guys,how was my new story and writing style so far?tell me in comments also tell me if I need to improve anything

Word count-900

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