Seven Minutes In Heaven

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"Are you sure you can't come tonight?" Astoria asked with a small frown on her face as she straightened her hair.

She was supposed to meet Daphne in the common room in fifteen minutes for one of Mattheo's "special parties". The name left something to be desired but they were the talk of Slytherin house. Few people were invited to them and even fewer were invited back. Mattheo was known for his raving personality but he rarely threw parties by himself. Most of the common room parties were a joint effort but these late-night escapades were all Mattheo.

Daphne had occasionally let the details of them slip to her. Firewhisky, games, intense makeout sessions, all things kept very hush between a small group that met in front of the fireplace at night on very rare occasions. Tonight was one such occasion.

And, for the first time, Astoria was invited.

Aria was invited too but she had "plans" that would keep her confined to the bedroom, plans that probably included a certain Theodore Nott. Astoria was a little bummed that her friend wasn't going to be there—Mattheo was probably bummed for the same reason—but she couldn't lie: the idea of spending a night at a party sitting next to Draco thrilled her. Even if Daphne would be there too.

So she spent the night straightening her hair and making sure her makeup was perfect. Her lipgloss shone in the dim light in the room, as did her smooth hair. She wore a white strapless tube top and paired it with jeans that made her waist look even thinner. She felt pretty, prettier knowing that Draco would stare at her like a queen.

Draco. The last couple of weeks since her episode in the hallway had been blissful with him. Full of loving, touching, cuddling, other things. He made her feel on top of the world every time she was with him, always spoiling her with flowers and gifts and calling her the sweetest names. It was as if poetry spilled from his lips every time he was with her. He was just so smooth and charming and perfect. The perfect gentleman. Or, rather, her perfect gentleman.

He wouldn't be able to talk to her much at Mattheo's party, not with Daphne around, but that was fine as long as he was lying next to her in bed later. Right now, that was all she wanted: a night with her boyfriend. Well, secret boyfriend.

She would be lying if she didn't say that the secret was beginning to grate on her, like a bruise that worsened more and more on her as the weeks passed. But Draco assured her that he would take care of it and she trusted him more than anything.

Aria sighed. "Sorry. Busy." But Astoria could tell from the glint in Aria's eyes that she wasn't that sorry. Who could blame her? If Astoria had the opportunity to spend a night with Draco completely alone, she would take it. But Draco was a known presence at things like this and it would be odd if he missed it, especially since his fiancee was attending. Astoria didn't mind going—she was rather excited, actually—but she was a little envious that Aria could spend time with Theo like this.

"Well, you'll have to tell me all about it later," Astoria mused. "I feel like you've given no details on your love life lately. And a best friend should definitely know these things."

Aria side-eyed her friend. "Ditto."

She knew. There was no way she didn't know what her best friend was up to, what with Astoria spending every night with Draco and blushing every time she saw him during the day. Aria was intelligent and observant. If she didn't know yet, she at least had a strong guess.

"Well, I doubt much will happen tonight but I'll fill you in anyway."

Aria smirked. "Famous last words."

Famous last words, indeed. A few shots of firewhisky, a couple of secondhand hits of some unknown rolled-up substance, and several embarrassing stories later, Astoria was sitting at Mattheo's party, squished between Draco and Daphne. There were only a handful of them there but that somehow livened the party. The fire danced across the edges of the room while the group laughed into the early hours of the morning.

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