The Girl, The Boy, and The Owl

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"I'm just saying: if I had to pick between a lizard or a ferret as a pet, I'd pick a ferret," Astoria said with a laugh as she walked into the dorm room. "I think they're kind of cute in their own way."

Aria made a face of disbelief. "Ferrets are not cute."

"Well, we'll just have to agree to disagree. I just don't think I could have a lizard. Their scaly skin kind of creeps me out."

It was later in the day and the two girls were having one of many animal-related debates. Astoria's favorite class may have officially been charms but she had always been an animal lover. She secretly adored the Care of Magical Creatures class with Hagrid. But her grandmother insisted that it was unladylike and that Hagrid was too big of a brainless oaf so Astoria dropped the class after her fifth year, using the extra period to study Ancient Runes instead. Ancient Runes was fine, of course, but... but it wasn't what she enjoyed. She loved learning about all of the different creatures, the ways to tame them, and how to make them like her. They were all so fascinating in their own way. Sadly, her grandmother was right. Magical Creatures didn't fit in with her persona so that hobby was pushed to the side.

Still, that didn't stop them from having many creature-related discussions. Sometimes the creatures were magical. Other times, like today, they weren't. 

"I was going to go to the owlery now to check on Enzo's owl. I swear he never takes care of the poor thing. Want to come?" Aria asked, slipping on a warmer jacket. It was cold today, the bitter chill of fall finally reaching their doorstep. To be honest, Astoria didn't really want to go to the owlery. She didn't have an owl—her sister did—and she was looking forward to an afternoon inside to read her book. She was finally getting to the good part when the childhood friends became lovers. But Astoria was a known people pleaser. She always put aside her happiness for the sake of others. She told herself that it was what a lady would do but to be quite honest, she just didn't want to be a burden to anyone by saying no. The owlery could be fun, she thought as she tried to convince herself. Normally, that was how it worked. She convinced herself that what they wanted was what she wanted. Today was no exception.

Astoria nodded. "Yeah, just let me take my pills real quick." Aria didn't know of Astoria's condition—hardly anyone did—but she knew by now that her roommate took daily pills. A beta blocker meant to lower her adrenaline and her heart rate. But when Astoria opened her vanity, the drawer where she kept her medicine, confusion flooded her brain. Instead of the usual orange bottle, a black bottle remained in its place with a note tied around in black silk ribbon.

My love, 

These should work much better. Can't have my girl taking generic. 

- D

Her mind flashed back to Draco's conversation at the common room party. My goodness, could that have been only last night?

She smiled as she gazed at the bottle. There was no denying that Draco cared for her. It seemed he took every possible opportunity to prove that she was his number one priority. Astoria liked it. It made her feel warm.

Popping a pill into her mouth and swallowing it, Astoria turned to her roommate. "So, owlery?"

The walk up to the tower was filled with another animal debate: brown owls vs snowy owls. Both girls actually agreed that they felt the snowy white owls were much cuter. Astoria had one named Twick, an odd name that Daphne had chosen when they were kids. Astoria liked the little owl; she was always so nice to her, nuzzling up to her cheek after a long journey. And, let's be honest, Astoria was the reason behind most of Twick's journeys. She would have an idea for a perfect outfit and would set out to buy everything via a letter to the Diagon Alley shopkeepers. Even in school, Astoria's shopping addiction never seemed to cease.

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