Girl Talk by the Lake

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Draco smiled as he gazed at the black nightgown on the floor. It was Astoria's and every time he saw it, he was reminded of the fact that she had begun to spend every night in his dormitory. She may have told herself it was because of the clawfoot tub in the bathroom or the expensive sheets on his bed but he knew the real reason. Astoria liked falling asleep in his arms just as much as he liked falling asleep with her there. As long as he could help it, he would wake up to her beautiful face every single morning for the rest of his life.

He grabbed the nightgown and hung it up in her closet. It was Blaise's closet, actually, but the boy hadn't put a single thing in there. Since Draco had taken to buying Astoria more clothes, Blaise's closet and dresser had become Astoria's makeshift ones. He still could remember the look on her face when she saw it.

She had shown up in the room the night after she had confronted him about the owl situation. Her cheeks were pink as she shyly knocked on the door. "Hi," she said softly when he opened the door. Draco had just responded by grabbing her wrist and pulling her inside the room, claiming her lips in a searing kiss.

When he pulled back, Astoria looked a little dazed. The sight made him laugh. "Come on, my love," he said, fighting back chuckles. "I have something to show you." 

Draco continued to hold on to her wrist and pulled her over to the closet. He opened the doors and allowed her to look at what was now hers. A closet full of brand-new dresses, skirts, shoes, nightgowns, and other things a lady may need. 

Astoria gasped. "What all is this?"

"This," he replied, wrapping his arms around her waist, "Is yours. I figured you might be staying here more often and I wanted a reason to spoil you so I bought you a wardrobe you can keep here. I've known you long enough to have your size and style engrained in my brain so it should be to your liking. Although, if you want to keep wearing my clothes, I have no objection."

She laughed. "That's hardly proper attire."

Draco's lips descended on her neck, planting open-mouthed kisses along her collarbone. "I can think of less proper attire we could try out."

Astoria shuddered. For a moment, he thought that he might get his way with her. But Astoria somehow found the strength to pull back—strength he certainly didn't have when he was with her—and tsked at him. "No, no, mister. I was promised a massage and some chocolate." He grinned and dragged her over to the bed, where he was able to deliver exactly what he promised (and managed to get a few kisses as a reward). But the best reward was those little moments just before Astoria woke when the golden rays of the sun hit her face just right and she snuggled into his chest to hide from the light. That would always be his favorite part of the day, the time when it was just him and Astoria.

Until she woke up and he would have to continue the long day of pretending she didn't consume his every thought. Mentally, he knew she was his girlfriend. Hell, she was more than his girlfriend but girlfriend was probably the closest, appropriate title for what she was. Girlfriend, lover, future wife, love of my life. But just because he knew in his head that she belonged to him didn't mean that it was any easier having to see her in the corridor and pretend like he wasn't aching to wrap her in his arms, take her to Malfoy Manor, and elope with her in the gardens. Merlin. He had it bad for this woman and it had only been a few days since she asked to be in a relationship with him.

Draco rubbed the black silk of the nightgown between his fingers before shutting his closet. Even after only a few days of being with her, he'd quickly noticed that it was her favorite, an expensive nightgown that hit just above her mid-thigh and was trimmed with black lace. He had already ordered more for her in a few of her favorite colors (and he was particularly excited for the dark green one). It worked out perfectly because Madam Malkin knew he was buying for a Greengrass girl. If Narcissa somehow got word of Draco's recent expenditures, she would think he was spoiling his fiancee. In a way, I am spoiling my future wife. 

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