The Older Sister

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Daphne Greengrass was 18 years old when she ruined everything.

It wasn't like she tried to. In fact, she had always sort of prided herself on being a good daughter. Not that Astoria wasn't good but her... condition... was rather difficult on her traditional, pureblood parents. Going to muggle doctors, hiding their youngest from society, dealing with a condition that was entirely unfamiliar to all of them, and keeping a secret from anyone outside of the four main family members wasn't easy on them. Astoria was, sadly, not the easy daughter, and that made Daphne the good one.

She worked hard in school, she was popular amongst other pureblood children, and she was well-mannered. Daphne was a good daughter, she knew that. She had only kept one secret from her family and that, considering the many other positives, was enough to satisfy her.

Daphne couldn't remember much of her childhood with Astoria. Actually, she hardly had any memories of Astoria before she came to Hogwarts. Sure, there were wisps of memory from their young days but, for the most part, she could hardly remember the dark-haired girl. Daphne was always so tomboy-ish. She enjoyed playing in the dirt, running around, and being "one of the boys". She went to other pureblood houses and occasionally went on trips with other families. When Astoria didn't join in on those things, Daphne didn't even think about her condition. Her childlike mind only comprehended the fact that her sister wasn't playing with her, never the reasoning. So the two girls weren't close until Daphne saw Astoria on the train to Hogwarts, looking so lost and scared in an environment so unfamiliar from the one she was kept in. Astoria really only knew the walls of Greengrass Estate; seeing her bright green eyes well with tears was enough to convince Daphne to keep an eye out for her baby sister, even if she felt like she didn't know her well.

After that, the two grew much closer. Though Astoria could be a little dramatic sometimes, Daphne loved her to death. They were different in as many ways as they were similar but Daphne would do anything to make her happy.

Anything except heal her broken heart.

Astoria didn't date anyone for her first six years at Hogwarts. Daphne was beginning to wonder if Astoria even liked boys at all but Astoria never told her otherwise and Daphne never pried. However, one day, she saw it. Her sister in love. Her baby sister finally finding someone who would give her the world.

And Daphne took it away.

She didn't mean to, of course. Merlin, she wished she could give Astoria anything she wanted. But one day, just a couple of weeks before the two girls were meant to go off to Hogwarts, their parents sat them down in the den and said, "Girls, we have some news. As you know, Lucius Malfoy and I do business together. Our families believe in the same ideals and want to strengthen our relationship. That is why in a little less than two years, Daphne will be marrying Draco."

A gasp sounded from the loveseat next to her. Astoria. But Daphne couldn't bring herself to look. All she could hear was a ringing in her ears. Marry Draco? Draco was a fine friend but marrying him was a whole different thing. Daphne didn't even think he was attractive, much less love him. Pureblood marriages were hardly about love but she thought she might at least like the guy. Or, perhaps, marry the one she truly loved...

"Now, don't say a thing. Everything is already settled for June 2000. I hope you both know how happy we and Draco's parents are and we hope you feel the same."

"Yes, Father," the girls repeated, both of their voices sounding numb.

Daphne couldn't stop walking after that. Walking the grounds, walking the treeline, walking the halls. Walking, walking, walking. During her walk, she decided that she would try to put a stop to this. She wasn't sure how—telling them she loved someone else definitely wasn't an option—but she knew that she needed to.

Secrets and Snakes - A Draco Malfoy StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora