Caught You

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Draco Malfoy was eleven years old when he realized he loved Astoria Greengrass.

He probably loved her for much longer but boys took a while when it came to love, especially at that age. He couldn't remember when he fell in love with Astoria but he knew exactly when he realized it.

Draco's childhood was filled with dozens of happy memories and a majority of them involved Astoria. He had what some might consider a perfect life, at least at the time. His parents doted on him endlessly and spoiled him rotten. He had many friends, was talented on a broom, and was proving to be an intelligent sort of lad. But all of that paled in comparison to how happy he was whenever he gazed at the beautiful green-eyed girl.

He remembered the day that he met her like it was yesterday. Draco had met the Greengrasses many times and rather enjoyed playing with Daphne, the spunky, tom-boyish eldest daughter. He wasn't even aware of Astoria's existence until he decided to stroll through the library—a little tired of the many games going on outside with the other pureblood children—and saw the prettiest girl he had ever laid eyes on.

Her black hair was curled at the bottom, a silky bow holding half of it up. Her delicate lips were parted as she read the book in her hands. The girl was sitting in front of a window and the light behind her made her look like a little angel.  She was the prettiest girl he had ever seen and he couldn't help but stare.

Staring is rude, he scolded himself. And so he walked up to the girl, frightening her and making him feel terrible for doing so. He asked her what her name was and his heart thumped wildly in his chest as her soft voice whispered, "Astoria Greengrass." He thought that this was the most beautiful name he had ever heard. When he kissed her hand, the butterflies in his stomach went even wilder. If this is what it's like to kiss a girl, no wonder Father kisses Mummy so often.

When she said her sister was Daphne Greengrass, he was shocked. Until that moment, he assumed that Astoria was some cousin he had never heard of. She and Daphne were so different, not just in looks but in mannerisms and personalities as well. He continued to charm her until he eventually got her to agree to play hide and seek with him in the library.

Draco could hear Astoria's giggles as he closed his eyes to count. When he finally finished, he opened his eyes with a grin. Draco ducked between the chairs and bookshelves. But when he saw a pair of feet underneath a curtain, he couldn't help but smile even wider. 

He ripped open the curtain to find Astoria both smiling and flustered, a slight blush on her cheeks. "Caught you," he said softly.

For the next few years, that seemed to be their motto. "Caught you," Astoria said when she found him in hide and seek. "Caught you," he said when he stopped her from falling down the large Greengrass stairs. "Caught you," he said once when he was out of breath from chasing her down the hallway, Astoria walking away obliviously since she didn't know he was there until then.

But the best of all was when he was eleven. Draco and Astoria were dancing in her parent's ballroom—this wasn't the first time they had done so but it was the most special. He asked her if she enjoyed dancing and she replied that he did. Perfect, he thought with a little smirk. Then she can dance at our wedding.

That was when Draco realized at only eleven years old that he wanted to marry Astoria Greengrass. And once the thought entered his head, it never left it.

He continued to spin her around, enjoying every time she giggled. Astoria was taller now than when they first met, her hair a little longer too. She wasn't quite yet a woman but she was on her way there. And he still thought she was just as beautiful. 

Draco hummed softly as they continued to dance. Before long, he would need to leave. So he decided to be brave for just a moment. Draco took Astoria in his arms and dipped her softly, the same way he had seen his father dip his mother at a pureblood gala. Astoria gasped and looked a little worried. "I'm falling!" she cried out.

He grinned softly. "Caught you."

Later that night, Draco sat in bed. His mother came to tuck him in, her platinum blonde hair shining even in the darkness. "Mother," he said softly. "I found the woman I want to marry."

She grinned. "Oh, have you now?" She didn't believe him, he could tell, but he was completely serious. "Who is she?"

"Miss Greengrass," he replied, the words coming out of his mouth like a sigh. "She's so beautiful and intelligent. She's caring and elegant and exactly the kind of wife I'd like."

Draco's mum scrunched her face up in confusion. "Miss Greengrass? Really?" She knew her son was friends with Miss Greengrass but she had never seen anything close to love between them.

"Yes, mother. I love her dearly and I know she loves me." Of course he knew. He could see it in her eyes. "She's perfect, mother, and you said I should have the perfect wife."

Narcissa nodded. "Alright, my darling. If that is what you desire, then that is what shall happen. When you are older, though." Draco beamed and the conversation was over. Perhaps if he had been older, Draco would have known that referring to "Miss Greengrass" meant the elder, not the younger. But Draco was young and didn't quite know all of the social customs of high British society. 

One day, though, he would regret missing that little word.

.                         .                      .

Fall came and, with that, Draco went to Hogwarts. He was far too busy to write to Astoria and when summer came, his family decided to holiday in the south of France. When she finally came to Hogwarts the next year, he realized that both he and Astoria would be much better off if they spent some time apart, knowing eventually that they would come together again. So Draco let her enjoy her life, knowing that when he turned 18, he would be expected to find a betrothed. Then, he could court Astoria officially and ask for her hand just like his mother had promised.

That didn't mean that he completely left her alone. Astoria was a beautiful girl and, with that, came rabble. He spent more time than he cared to admit threatening any boy who attempted to talk to her outside of class. This earned him a reputation as a little bit of a bully but he didn't mind. Draco could be a spoiled boy all he wanted; as long as he had Astoria, he didn't care. There were many potential suitors but Draco saw no issue with informing them just who she belonged to. Because even though they weren't together, Astoria was his and always would be.

He watched from the sidelines as she grew older. She became closer to her sister and made a few friends of her own. She had an easy time in classes—thanks to him and his father's position on the board at Hogwarts, which he used often to ensure that she wasn't too overwhelmed with classwork—and she did well. 

Draco, on the other hand, did well. He became a prolific Slytherin seeker, was one of the best potions and DADA students the school had seen in quite a while, and turned the eyes of several eligible ladies (all of whom he ignored).

Finally, when he turned 18, he knew that she could finally be his. Astoria Greengrass would be the next Lady Malfoy. He would become her happy, incredibly lucky husband, catching her again after so many years of being apart from her. He would spend the rest of his life catching her, dancing with her just like he did those many years ago. 

But he soon found out just how wrong he was.

This one is a lot shorter but I do love Draco's side of things. Don't worry, they'll get longer. We're just setting the stage. Hope you all enjoy!! As always, comments/votes/follows are very appreciated.

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