Ever The Princess

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Draco tried to hide both his anger, disappointment, and regret though that was easy when all three emotions were directed at himself. He never should have let Astoria go. He should have told her he was in love with her. He should have remained at her side for as long as she let them. He should have spoken up when his parents announced the betrothal. He should have refused to put the ring on Daphne's finger (and then on a chain around her neck when they discovered that the Malfoy family ring, a vintage white gold ring with a large, deep emerald surrounded by emerald-cut diamonds didn't fit onto any of her fingers). He should have done anything.

But just like a good son, he did nothing.

As much as he wanted to do so, standing up to his parents was easier said than done. Other than the fact that his father was powerful and a little bit terrifying, he also had always been their darling son, the pride of their lives. He didn't disobey Lucius and Narcissa; he never had a reason to when they were always right. So when his parents sat him down and announced the betrothal, he knew they must have had a reason. Perhaps they viewed Daphne as a better match-she was, after all, out in polite society while Astoria had yet to officially come out. Perhaps they saw her as a better mother to future grandchildren. Perhaps Devlin and Queenie Greengrass would rather their eldest daughter marry before their youngest. Whatever it was, Draco didn't have much arguing power. After all, what did he have to go off of? The love of childhood sweethearts lost to time? The adoration he felt whenever he got a glimpse of her in the castle? Those weren't enough to tear up a betrothal even though his heart secretly wanted to.

It was a business proposition, not one of love. Devlin and Lucius wanted to strengthen both their bloodlines and their industry ties; this marriage was the quickest way to do so. And Daphne wasn't by any means unsuitable. She was pretty in her own sort of way and while she had never been very feminine, she still had some sort of likability. Draco had always regarded her as a friend. In fact, when the two betrothed met to exchange rings at Malfoy Manor, Daphne had given him an apologetic smile and cracked a joke under her breath. He didn't love her-he wasn't sure if he ever truly would-but he respected her and tolerated her presence more than most. When it came to pureblood society-the way it valued rank, power, bloodlines, and wealth above things so insignificant as love-he truly drew a lucky lot.

The only problem with Daphne? She wasn't her younger sister. And she never would be.

Draco resolved that day that he would never tell Daphne of his fondness for her sister. He hadn't truly spoken to Astoria in years; he didn't think it would come up now if it hadn't before. Daphne and Astoria adored each other but they weren't as close as other sisters (and from what Draco knew of Astoria's childhood, he was surprised they were as close as they were). No, he decided to leave all of his feelings in the past. It was better that way. Easier, too.

Until he saw her in Diagon Alley.

She was walking slightly behind her sister. Draco wasn't sure she even knew she was doing it, walking behind Daph as if she wasn't quite confident enough to stand next to her sister. Since they were approaching a large and rambunctious group of eighth-years, he couldn't exactly blame her. She was stepping into an unfamiliar friend group, one that, in her eyes, belonged to her sister, not her. Draco observed the way the blonde woman, his betrothed, called back to her. She frowned but caught up a little more.

Draco had been standing with the group for quite some time. He enjoyed catching up with his friends, though he could do without Nott smoking a cigarette in his face. The only one missing was Berkshire but given how overprotective his parents were, that wasn't a surprise. Enzo's mummy probably did all of his shopping for him to save his precious skin from the sun. Draco sniggered mentally. They always did enjoy teasing Berkshire over how much his mum babied him.

Secrets and Snakes - A Draco Malfoy StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora