Merriment at Malfoy Manor

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Astoria would have been a lot more upset at leaving Draco for Christmas had it not been for the fact that the day before she was meant to leave, she had received a letter from her mother explaining that they would be spending the holidays at Malfoy Manor. Since Astoria didn't travel easily with her condition, she was supposed to go with Draco directly from school before the rest of the Greengrasses arrived the day before Christmas. It was a fine excuse but Astoria suspected that her parents didn't want to deal with her condition right now, not when they were planning a wedding and had to prepare Daphne for a proper holiday with her in-laws. She supposed that her feelings would have been hurt if it weren't for the fact that she now had an excuse to spend several days with Draco without having to worry about her sister. Several days almost entirely alone, because Draco told her that his parents usually left him alone unless there was some dinner party or soiree he had to attend. 

When she showed him the letter one very late night in his bedroom, he was silent for several moments. She worried he was unhappy with the circumstances until he wrapped his arms around her and swung her in circles several times. "I take it you're happy then," she giggled.

"Happy? I'm bloody ecstatic! Nothing sounds more wonderful than Christmas with my love." And then he kissed her.

Now, they were riding in the carriage, each of them looking silently out the window. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, nor was it an angry one. Actually, she was rather pleased with him lately. He had been a perfect gentleman on the trip—not allowing her to carry a single bag, purchasing her (and her sister so it wasn't suspicious) some sweets from the trolley, opening every door for her. Draco was always a gentleman but lately, it had seemed as if he felt he had more to prove. 

Maybe it's a sign, a voice in her head chimed. Maybe he's finally found a way we can be together. She sincerely hoped that was the case, though a more logical side said that it was probably just lingering jealousy from the party not long ago. He still hadn't gotten over the fact that she could have landed on someone else, blaming Mattheo entirely too often for a bottle that landed exactly the way he wanted. But she liked his jealous side so she put up with it, even if it was a little ridiculous.

When they finally pulled up to the gates of Malfoy Manor, Astoria gasped. It was beautiful. Long rows of neatly trimmed hedges, white rosebushes where wandering albino peacocks strutted about the grounds. A large, dark house that elegantly touched the sky with three tall stories. She had never seen Malfoy Manor, never seen any other pureblood home. Or, at least, she had been so young when she received her diagnosis that she didn't remember any she saw before it.

"Your home is lovely," Astoria murmured, pressing her forehead against the cool glass of the carriage window. Carriages weren't often taken in the Wizarding World, though wealthy purebloods did occasionally. But with Astoria's condition, travel became long and difficult. Carriages were the least straining on her.

Draco smiled and leaned across to squeeze her hand. "Your home someday."

She wanted to believe him. She truly did. But he was still Daphne's. His ring was still around her neck. How could she forget that?

They pulled up to the front of the home and the driver opened the door. Draco stepped out first and Astoria followed before stumbling rather ungracefully on the stairs. His hand immediately wrapped around her. "Caught you," he whispered slyly.

She blushed and dusted off her skirts as he helped her right herself. "Thank you. I suppose those few hours have made my legs a little numb."

"I know how we can get them moving again." When Draco winked at her, Astoria hit his arm. He chuckled under his breath before offering his arm up and leading her to the door. "Relax, my love. Just a bit of harmless flirting."

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