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kokichi ran. no he bolted. he bolted like his life depended on it, swiftly avoiding each corner and obstacle as he made his way down the hallways at a rapid pace, his shoes hitting the harsh floor as even louder ones did the same behind him, getting closer and closer. sweat dripped down the back of his neck and his forehead as he realised just how close these footsteps were getting. his eyes widened as he saw he was approaching an empty corner.

his running came to a violent halt as reached the corner and he suddenly heard a loud and angry shout.
"kokichi you fucking asshole!"


kaito's body was practically buzzing with frustration, well it would be if he wasn't so exhausted from running around the school halls like a lunatic. kaito clutched his hand to his chest and gripped his t-shirt, feeling the rapid beating of his heart and shallow breaths of his lungs. his legs, lungs and throat were all burning so horribly after the intense workout that kaito could feel his throat itching to let out harsh coughs.

kaito stared at kokichi who was now luckily trapped into a corner and felt all his exhaustion go right back to anger. kokichi looked almost unbothered, the only clue he had just been running being the sweat dripping off his forehead, his mouth twisted into a mocking smirk, that kaito desperately wanted to punch off his face.

"ohoho! looks like the super strong hero caught me after all? whatever will i do!" kokichi cackled.

"shut up you idiot! give it back!" kaito felt like he was gonna rip his hair out in frustration! how was kokichi so unbearably annoying?!

"whaaat? what are you talking about kaito? i didnt take anything?" kokichi said innocently tilting his head to the side and looking at kaito in fake confusion.

sometimes kaito thought kokichi was the bane of his existence. i mean how couldn't he with how actively and consistently kokichi went out of his way to annoy kaito and the others. kaito stared at kokichi and felt like he was looking like a cheap copy of a human. every emotion kokichi expressed felt like it had been manufactured specifically to help him get what he wants. kokichi had deep and emotionless purple eyes (that occasionally shone with counterfeit excitement) kokichi had hair that swooped up at the ends, kinda alike to an animal putting their ears down in defense. it was pathetic. kokichi had sickly pale skin that reminded kaito of a ghost. kaito hated ghosts and he hated kokichi.

"yes you did! stop lying!"
"nuuuh uhhh! no way jose!"
"give! it! back!"
"no. way. jose."

kaito marched over violently grabbing kokichi by the shirt and lifting him up so he was eye level with him staring deeply into his purple eyes, with his own set of matching purple eyes.

"give it back you lying bastard!"

"ack! let me down! get your dirty hands off me!" kokichi screamed as he wriggled about, he clenched his eyes and shook his head.

"what is wrong with you!?" kaito shouted as he shoved kokichi against the wall now holding him up with both his hands.

"w-whats wrong with you!? im f-fragile yknow!" kokichi said but it had no effect on kaito. kaito could see through his shitty lies and it infuriated him. everything about kokichi left a horrible taste in his mouth and a deep uncomfortableness in the pit of his stomach.

and he felt especially nauseous as he realised just how close he was to kokichi in that moment.

"hey!! you not gonna say anything space boy! i toolddd-"

"j-just shut up!?" kaito sputtered as he stared into kokichi's eyes that were making him feeling a vast array of extremely contrasting emotions.

"....whats got you so worked up huh?" kokichi said as he dangled in the air, still being held up in the air by kaito.

"y-you!? what the fuck do you think dumbass!?"

"i got you worked up huh? i didn't know you liked me like THAT!" kokichi retorted wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and giggling for a while until eventually his giggles died down till his face was completely blank and awaiting a response from kaito.

kaito didn't respond, he just felt his face grow red in embarrassment as he continued to scan kokichi's features. why was kokichi so.... pretty all off a sudden?

... that thought was even more sickening then any of
koikichi's lies!? why was kaito thinking like this!? it was absurd! he HATED kokichi! he was a dumb, mean, lying bastard! so why was he calling him PRETTY all of a sudden!?

kaito took a deep breath. he needed to calm down. he took another a deep breath. he was calm.

"hey kaitooooo? how long are you gonna leave me hanging? literally."

nevermind. he was upset and flustered and confused again. why was everything about kokichi so.... enticing.

kaito continued to stare at kokichi.

kokichi reminded him off space. kaito didn't like giving such a high compliment to someone like kokichi but it was true. kokichi was mysterious and unexplored like the great depths of the vast universe. he was also unreachable. again, like the great depths of the universe. and kokichi was scary although kaito hated to admit it, just like the universe.

but space was beautiful. was kokichi beautiful? before that moment kaito didn't think so. but for some reason, when  he was looking at him, pinning him in place like a piece of art and really staring at him, kokichi was beautiful. his eyes were deep and purple and if kaito squinted he swore he could see specks off yellow. almost like stars. kokichi was beautiful.

"kaito...?" kokichi whispered.

kokichi didn't look fake right now. kaito felt like what he hated before was a mask, and he had finally taken it off. because kokichi's face looked genuinely curious and it didn't feel like a lie or an act. kokichi looked beautiful.

kaito furrowed his eyebrows and sighed, dropping kokichi to the ground. kaito really was loosing his mind in here he thought.


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