childhood friend. ( kuzugami )

45 1 2

age 8,

being so esteemed felt lonely at times. byakuya knew he was special. he knew he has was better then the other children on the play ground and he took that in pride. but was excellence supposed to be so empty?

it was rare that byakuya visited the playground. and even if he did it would be the one conveniently built into his estate. thats why when his butler informed him that they were going on a trip to the local park byakuya was stunned.

at first byakuya was unaffected , why should he want to play with other children? they were obviously below him. they probably wouldn't even be able to compare to his intellect. the only other children he ever interacted with were the children of fellow noble or other children of high status.

but as he sat in the back of his luxurious car a feeling akin to excitement started to grow within him. maybe it would be nice to be surrounded by children he didn't view as threats.

"we are here young master." his butler called. he was practically buzzing with nerves. why was i nervous? i was the byakuya togami! there was no need to be nervous.  he thought.

he opened the door of his car and stepped out. the playground was pathetic, compared to his personal one of course. there were various children scattered around the playground.

it was underwhelming to say the least. he expected more children. and more equipment. but he supposed it was for the best, he wasn't looking forward to the swarms of other children.

"do not worry young master, i will just be on this bench over here"

he nodded and apprehensively walked towards the playground. he furrowed his eyebrows in discomfort as his polished shoes sunk into the sand.

byakuya scanned the playground, surveying what was available, not that it mattered, if he wanted to use something he would, he was THE byakuya togami after all.

the nerves practically melted away at that thought. he was the byakuya togami. why was he worried? no need.

confidence powered him as he began marching towards the swing set. he firmly sat and began swinging his legs back and forth, back and forth.

he glanced at the child next to him, beaming smile plastered on their face, hair loose and flying everywhere in the wind,  hands gently pressing against the child back every couple seconds, mother lovingly smiling at her child's innocent joy.

back and forth.

maybe if he were a few years younger his butler would be pushing him instead. maybe it would be nice to feel free, maybe it would be nice if instead of rigid and straight his legs would be wildly swinging, not counting the amount of seconds between each back and each forth. maybe his face would be jubilant and carefree instead of stone-cold and determined. maybe it would even be his mothers gentle hands and loving smile.

back and forth. back and forth. back and fo-


he snapped back to reality as the shoe promptly collided with the face of a passing child. he was stunned as he saw the little blonde child fall back. he watched in shock as another child leapt from their place on the playground and rushed to the others side.

his back and forths came to a stop and he leaped of the swing and calmly sauntered over to the injured child. he was ready to inform the peasant to maybe look where he was walking next time since he clearly had to never been told. at least he would learn his lesson. he had been very ready to mercifully accept the child's apologies and cries

he leaned over, more then ready to see the peasants pained tears, quivering lip and hear pitiful apologies. instead he was met with something unexpected.

green eyes. fierce green eyes. no cries and no tears. only fierce green eyes. fierce green eyes and buzzed hair. blood dripping from his nose, staining his freckled face. the child's mouth opened, oh here it came, surely he was just "staying brave" despite
my intimidating stare and strong kick.


byakuya was aghast. he couldn't even be offended because the shock that anyone would have the nerve to say that to him was overpowering. the word distress was practically written on his face as he stared at the peasant.

"w-what did you call me!?" he squeaked in response.

"i called ya' a bastard!"

the other blonde stood up, forcefully wiping the blood leaking from his nose onto his sleeve, on his white button up shirt, byakuya practically recoiled in absolute shock at this as well. despite the childs violent energy he was about half the height of byakuya, how old was he!?

"you deaf or something!?"  he couldn't look at anything then the smeared blood on the child's sleeve, that was surely going to stain, how foolish is he?

"what!? no. i have excellent hearing, thank you." he replied not-so-swiftly due to being momentarily distracted by the thought of that poor shirt. what brand was that?

"why do you talk like that?" the freckled child spat. like what? byakuya talked impressively eloquently for an 8 year old. they should be impressed. not spitting such questions at him with so much venom he thought it was going to seep into his soul.  

"like what?" he questioned raising his eyebrow

"like a prick!"

another insult?! did this little cretin know who he was talking too!? also whats with all the vulgar language!?

"you really shouldn't be using such vulgar language. its very showing of your character." byakuya advised.

"i don't even know what that mean!?"
"yeah!? that and insult!? you lookin to get beat up giraffe!?"

byakuya simply sighed. clearly he was stupid.

"do you know who your talking to you nasty little cretin!?"

"what did you call me!?"
" a nasty. little. cretin."

a fist flew into byakuyas face.
thats how he met fuyuhiko kuzuryu.

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