The world of Althea

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The world of Althea takes place in a different world. In a different universe. Where humanity who were once a thriving race now live isolated, poor, and depressed. After the war against humanity and the devastating defeat humans faced, they were forced to give up every piece of land and material. and sent to Navara and Hyran. Both conteinants with harsh weather and almost no fertile land. Both stuck in an eternal winter. The reason is unknown. All humans who stayed on their once homes were either killed, imprisoned, or turned into slaves. The lucky ones were allowed to be part of a Militia under harsh condition.


Hyran is a Large sized continent. it's a tundra conteinant and full of mountains. It has very strong winds, and blizzards are common here. The animals here are more aggressive than usual. This is one of the conteinants humans were exiled to.

This continent is full of jungles and very humid. It's has swampy areas. and it's full of mostly steep hills, deep gorges, and caves it has large volcanos around it. This area is heavily disputed between elves and orcs with one human nation who had managed to gain a small piece of land hold here. Although the war against humanity is over, this small nation is still raided by most other races and is on the verge of collapse.

This area is a gigantic sized continent. it's mostly full of plains, forest, Savanahand jungles. Its weather is calm.  and it has almost no mountains. This area is the only one having all races living in it. Often referred to as the mainland. It's rich with resources and trade. There's a human nation here. The founders were escaped slaves who managed to raise a nation. A small one at that.


This moderately-sized continent is mostly tropical and geologically calm; the tallest mountains in the land are little more than large hills.
The winds in this region are generally strong, with large storms and extreme weather being infrequent. The north, west, and east are gentle.
Pestico is home to a small number of unique plants and animals that are found only in this region. continent is mostly inhabited by elves.


This modestly-sized continent stretches across several climate regions,
The continent lies over a tectonic boundary; the Western part of the land has several mountain ranges and some prominent canyons and valleys.
Efli has a particularly large dormant volcano,
Efli is rich in exotic plants and animals. It's also rich in resources and fruits.

It originally belonged to humans, but during the war against humanity, most humans on this land were turned into slaves. This land now belongs to elves.


Navara is a Large sized continent. This continent is a majority polar biome with some tundra. It's surrounded full of mountains and hills. This place is the second and last continent humans were exiled to.

There are many islands in this world most inhabited by other races. In this world, the war against humanity took place 1,420 years ago. In its time of isolation, humanity has made drastic changes to their weapons that will change the way of warfare forever.

The war against humanity was a war that took place 1,420 years ago. Before this, humanity owned most of the world. The war against humanity united all races with the exception of wood elves against humans. The war took thousands of lives. And at the end, the coalition won.

Humanity in this universe focused on war more than anything. Guns cannons and ships are all in the mid to late 19th century era. But things like agriculture are still in the 17th century. The calendars vary on race in this world. But for humans, the year is 1847. 

(Go to chapter 4 if you wish to skip the lore and go right into the story.)

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