Really Small Problems (S1EP14)

Start from the beginning

Luz: And smell all the fresh meat.

[Luz sniffs the air as a fly gets caught in her throat]

Luz: [Coughs up the fly] Ah!

Izuku: Woah! Luz, you okay?

Luz: Yeah, I'm fine. [Coughs] Fun!

Random Guard: [Grabs his shoulder] Hey you! Izuku Midoriy-!

Izuku: Hiya!

[Izuku turns around, ducks down and does a handstand before kicking the guard]

[Izuku turns around, ducks down and does a handstand before kicking the guard]

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[Izuku kicks the guard away, knocking him out]

Luz: [Looks at the unconscious guard] I don't think that was necessary...

Izuku: No, I was being generous.....I could've done something worse to that guy...

[Owlbert opens his eyes and unscrews himself to fly but Eda stopped him]

Eda: No games for you, Owlbert. We've got scams to run. 

Owlbert: [Looks down sadly; hoots]

???: Friends, welcome! [Jumps down; lands in front of them]

Izuku: Tibbles?!

Tibbles: Yes, and it seems like you got my postcard.

Eda: [Holds up the flier] You sent this?

Tibbles: Mmm-hmm.

Izuku: Aren't you mad at us? You know, for destroying your stand?

King: Oh, and destroying his life! That was the best part.

Tibbles: No, no, no. I should thank you.

Izuku: (For what?)

Tibbles: After my stand was destroyed. I reevaluated my life and found my true calling. I'm now ringmaster of..

[Cut to him standing in front of a tent with a sign that reads "Tibbles's Tent of Tiny Terrors"]

Tibbles: Tibbles's Tent of Tiny Terrors! 

Izuku: (Hmmm...I've got a bad feeling about this...did he really reformed?)

Luz: Aw, it's like a regular circus but adorably small.

[Luz walks up to a glass cage showcasing two poles, on top of one is a little tiny Griffin and on the other one is a tiny Manticore. Two unicorns are below them]

Luz: [Smushes her face on the glass] You're my friends now. 

Izuku: Aw, you're so cute! I could just kiss you! 

Luz: [Lifts up her face with a massive blush] W-w-w-what!?!

[Luz looks to her side and sees that Izuku is actually playing with a little shadow animal thing]

The Hero In The Demon Realm (The Owl House x Izuku Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now