Chapter 6

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With the empty bottle of wine tucked away under the hammock with their glasses, Brooke and Jenna snuggled up against one another, their diapers in a rather sodden state. Their conversation had lapsed into silence long ago, the two of them merely enjoying the other's company in a land far, far away from the real world with all of their worries.

Brooke was on cloud nine. Not only was this the closest she'd ever gotten to a romantic relationship with Jenna, she thoroughly enjoyed how close she felt to her at this very moment. She had snuggled up against her and had let her head come to rest on her shoulder, allowing her to hold her close with her arm.

Jenna's right leg was spread across her legs, her diaper pressing firmly up against her side. The beginnings of a smile tugged the left side of her lips up as she remembered distinctly feeling Jenna's diaper warm up against her side no less than four times. Not once did she feel anything resembling a leak, especially from her own diaper. The wine had gone right through the both of them, pushing their diapers to the brink of leaking.

As much as she loved the sensation of Jenna's chest rising and falling against hers, with how much of the flower's wondrous scent they'd been breathing in all this time, she figured they would have very little control left over their bladders. She had a feeling that they were both on the verge of leaking, so with a longing sigh, she rubbed her friend's back. "I think we should head back upstairs, dear," she murmured.

"But... soft... comfy..." came Jenna's muffled reply.

"What about wild animals?" Brooke asked, feeling Jenna tense a second later.

Jenna's eyes went wide. "Ugh, you're probably right." An animal's cry echoed from far, far away. "Okay, that's totally a wolf!" Jenna scrambled out of the hammock, the blanket getting tangled between her legs. She fell to the ground in a heap, the blanket doing little to soften her fall. She flailed around on the ground until she was free of the blanket's embrace. Jumping to her feet, she looked around, then with a look of worry, she gestured for Brooke to get up. "Come on, what are you waiting for? Wolves travel in packs!"

Brooke laughed. "Yes, they do, but that was no wolf, that was a—"

"Yes, it was!"

"No, it definitely wasn't. That was a moose; have you not heard what a moose sounds like? My dad used to take me on hiking trips deep into the mountains when I was younger. I heard so many mooses... Wait, is it meeses or mooses?"

"Does it freaking matter?" Jenna asked, still frantic with worry.

Brooke slipped off of the hammock and gathered their things together, using the blanket to hold it all. "I guess not. The point I'm trying to make is that a moose is far less deadly than a wolf, and—" She froze as a wolf howled in the distance, this time much closer than the moose.

"Now can we go?" Jenna hissed, her eyes wide with fear. She grabbed their empty bottle and glasses, taking great care to make sure they didn't clink together.

Brooke nodded. With their supplies in hand, they scurried back up the path, taking more time than they normally would because of the thick diapers held snuggly between their legs. With sore legs, they got back on the deck and walked back inside the house. Brooke locked it behind her and collapsed on the back of the door, panting softly. She let the blanket fall to the floor, spilling their diaper changes onto the floor.

"Uh, Brooke?"

"Yeah?" She looked up to find Jenna with her hands cupping her diaper. Her pants got consistently darker and darker, puzzling Brooke for a few seconds until she realized her diaper was leaking into her pants. "...Oh. Need a change?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

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