Chapter 5

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Brooke and Jenna walked down the path in cozy fleece yoga pants and large, baggy hoodies, the sounds of muffled crinkling plastic and inebriated giggles filling the air. They'd appropriated another bottle of wine and a couple of glasses from the bar and had walked out one of the main doors in the back of the building and had found the path that led to the hammock.

As they approached the hammock, the moon slid out from behind some clouds, illuminating the ground upon which they stood in a pale light just enough for them to see. Two tall white posts stood on top of the dirt path, a matching white hammock strung up between them. It was several feet off of the path in a small field, surrounded by the beautiful white flowers.

They collapsed upon the hammock in a fit of giggles, feeling rather adventurous with their lifted bottle of wine. That it was an all-inclusive resort meant they could have anything they wanted mattered not in their minds, for they were simply there to decompress and shove off the reins of life, at least for a little while.

The stars shone brightly above them, their radiance glistening down from above in a manner that nobody near any city could ever see in a lifetime. A few twinkling satellites pretending to be slow-moving shooting stars trailed their way across the sky, drawing Jenna's and Brooke's attention. Their giggles grew silent as their breathing slowed, their eyes locked on the twinkling lights.

Due to the way that hammocks worked with two people, their combined weight gave the hammock no option but to let the two of them come to rest against each other. Brooke didn't mind one bit, but part of her worried Jenna did, in fact, mind a little. They were still just friends, after all, but Brooke wanted to change that.

Feeling that there really was no better time than the present, she nervously cleared her throat and threaded her fingers through her friend's hand. She took a few deep breaths, let them out slowly, then breathed in through her nose, the scent of the flower that drove them to wear diapers flowing inside of her. Unbeknownst to her, at the mere scent of the flowers, her bladder relaxed, letting loose a little trickle of urine that went unnoticed. As her mouth went dry and her courage waned away, she saw Jenna tilt her head to look over at her out of the corner of her eye.

"Yeah?" Jenna asked, the plastic of her diaper crinkling as she got into a comfier position against Brooke's side.

"Crack that bottle of wine open, will ya? I'm getting a tad bit thirsty," Brooke said. The back of her throat tightened up as she felt shame for not asking the simple question that danced on the tip of her tongue.

"Sure thing!" Jenna sat up and looked around. "Uh... crap." Her shoulders slumped.

"Have another accident?" Brooke teased, still blissfully unaware of her own recent accident.

"What?" Jenna pushed her free hand inside her bottoms and groaned, her hand warming upon the smooth plastic. "Yeah, sure feels like it. What about you?" Before Brooke could answer, Jenna placed her hand on top of her diaper and softly squeezed, making Brooke's hips twitch from the sudden stimulation. "Heh, feels like you did, too."

"What?" Brooke sat up. "No way; we just changed like ten minutes ago!" She placed her hand on top of her diaper in a hurry, then rolled her eyes as she felt an all too familiar warmth pressing firmly against her princess parts.

"See?" Jenna smirked at her.

"Whatever..." Brooke let herself fall back down onto the hammock and placed her hands behind her head. "Good thing we're actually wearing these damn things. Do you really think it's the flowers that's doing this to us?" Jenna nodded, staying silent. "Then maybe it's not a good idea to stay around them. I mean, they smell nice and all. The scent has actually grown on me quite a bit, but if it's making us pee ourselves...?" she let herself trail off as she yawned. "But if it's making us pee ourselves, is this gonna be permanent or is it gonna be something that's just like, only gonna affect us while we're here?"

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