
"I have no idea, she's crazy!  So we get in an argument and she snaps at the nurses to call in the resident who is on shift, and to have her take over because this bitchy PA has decided that she won't treat Rory.  Fine!  Good, that's one less attitude that I have to deal with.  Good riddance!"

"Sounds like you dodged a bullet."

"You would think.  So then a few hours later Paris, Rory's doctor, comes in, and I find out from both her and the resident that this bitchy PA is calling me manipulative, controlling and abusive."

"That's ridiculous!"

"Then, to make matters worse, a couple hours later, someone comes into the room asking to speak to me privately, and pulls me out into the hall to tell me that the chief of staff wants to see me.  By the time I get down to his office, I find out that the bitchy PA has gone to Internal Affairs and had an investigation started."

"What kind of investigation?"

"Patient abuse."

"To who?  Does she have any evidence?"

"To Rory.  My wife."

"Anyone else?"

"Just Rory.  She is going around telling people that I'm manipulating, and abusively controlling my wife, and forcing the hospital staff to not only allow me to do it, but also to conform and follow suit."

"That's completely ridiculous!"

"And she's using Rory's diagnosis to push her agenda, making it sound like I forced Rory to get pregnant, just so I could further manipulate and abuse her."

"You said you talked to the chief of staff?"

"Oh, I talked to not just him, but the entire hospital board.  Most of them are on my side  they know both me and Rory.  They  worked hand in hand with us for months, to open the clinic.  The witch had gone to the chief of staff right after he had come in this morning, and when he tried to calm her down, and keep things quiet, she went over his head to internal affairs.  So now I'm not only being investigated for abusing my wife, but I am also suspended from work and from stepping onto the hospital grounds until the investigation is over, and I am found to be innocent."

"And how long is that supposed to take?"

"I have no idea!  But to make matters even worse, while I was dealing with the hospital board, and finding out about all of this, someone from IA ambushed Rory in her hospital room."

"You're kidding?!"

"I wish I was.  Rory is smart and called Collin as soon as she found out who the lady was and what she wanted, and Collin helped her stall and call Paris for help."

"Paris is Rory's doctor."

"Rory and Honor's OBGYN.  She's an old friend of Rory's from high school. We went to college together at Yale, then again at Columbia.  You've met her before; Paris Gellar.  She married Doyle McMaster who you also met.  He ran the Yale Daily News for a while."

"Oh yes, I remember Paris and Doyle.  Doyle is Rory's assistant now."

"That's right."

"Paris is a doctor?"

"She helped train me."

"Oh yes, I remember you telling me that.  Alright, continue.  Rory was ambushed and called Collin for help."

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