"So. . ."

"You want me to go to the office, in the middle of the night?"

"Something is wrong Logan, and I need you to get the monitor to check the baby. Please?" Rory begged.

"Ok, ok. I'm getting up, calm down. I'm sure everything is fine. There is nothing to panic about." Logan said as he sat up, and started to get out of bed.

"Something is wrong." Rory told him as tears sprang to her eyes.

"Come here . . . I need you to calm down, and take deep breaths, ok? You aren't doing anyone any good by panicking." Logan said as he reached for her wrist. "You need to calm down, your pulse is racing right now. I'll get dressed and go get the monitor from the office."

"Why don't we have one here? Don't you have everything in your medical bag?"

"My bag is in the car, and no, I don't have a Doppler or an ultrasound in my bag. I have one at the office, and at the hospital. I only have the basics in my bag."

"Can we get one?"

"A Doppler, yes. Ultrasounds cost thousands of dollars, and I'm pretty sure that I can't get one for home use."

"Why not?"

"Because that is a machine that can only be used professionally with the proper training."

"But you have one at the office?"

"The hospital leased one to the clinic."

"Let's go." Rory said as she climbed out of bed, and walked across the room to pick up the sweatshirt she had tossed on a chair before going to bed, pulling it over her head.

"You're coming?"


"You realize that it's early March, and freezing outside right now."

"I'm not stupid. I'll put a coat on. Grab me my warm boots out of the closet."

*~ * ~ * ~ * 30 minutes later * ~ * ~ * ~ *

"Hey Paris . . . I'm sorry to wake you. Rory's blood pressure is pretty high." Logan said, as Paris answered the phone.

"What time is it?"

"Almost 3:30. Rory woke up an hour ago from a bad dream, and felt like something was off. She demanded I come to the clinic to get the Doppler to check the baby, then decided to come with me. Her heart was racing before we left the house, but it's gone back down significantly. It's still high, but not as bad as it was. I figured since we're at the clinic, I would do a quick check to calm her down. The baby's heart rate seems normal, but Rory's blood pressure is pretty high. I can take care of everything, but I wanted to let you know in case you want me to take her to L&D."

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