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The noise of the crowd washed over Miranda as she stood backstage, the adrenaline rushing through her veins. Her newest album, a raw and honest exploration of self-growth, was finally being unleashed to the world. Yet, amidst the excitement, a different kind of energy pulsed within her - the rhythmic kicks of their daughter, Harmony, nestled comfortably high in her womb. Beside her, William clutched a homemade poster emblazoned with "Mommy's the Best!" in colorful markers.

Miranda managed a weak smile. "Just Harmony being...well, harmonious," she joked, wincing slightly as another kick landed.

"Is Harmony having a dance party, Mommy?" William asked

Miranda chuckled, a genuine laugh that brought a flicker of relief to Ben's eyes. "Seems like it, sweetie."

Despite the discomfort, a warmth bloomed in Miranda's chest. The album release was a culmination of months of work, poured out into these songs. Sharing it with the world, with her family by her side, filled her with a fierce sense of joy.

Ben, however, wasn't as easily reassured. "Honey, you need to sit down. This album release is supposed to be a celebration, not a test of your endurance."

Miranda sighed. "I know, I know. But there's so much to do. Interviews, promotion for the album, the wedding..."

She trailed off, the weight of the coming months settling on her shoulders. Album promotion, a wedding, and the impending birth of their daughter, Harmony – it was a whirlwind.

Ben knew arguing would be futile. Miranda was a force of nature, especially when it came to her music. Taking a deep breath, he squeezed her hand. "Alright, then. But you promise to listen to your body, alright? We can reschedule interviews, and push back deadlines if needed. Harmony and your well-being come first."

Miranda's eyes softened. "Always," she whispered, however, she winced as another emphatic kick from Harmony sent a jolt through her. Causing him to rub her belly

"Calm down Harmony" He whispered

"We almost ready?" Callie asked as she walked in

Miranda managed a weak smile. "Almost" She took some deep breaths

"She's kicking up a storm" Ben looked at Callie "Really making Miranda uncomfortable"

Callie's eyes softened. "Harmony's keeping you busy, huh?" she said, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Speaking of, are you sure you're ready to do this? The big announcement, I mean."

Miranda took a deep breath, the weight of the decision settling on her shoulders. Tonight wasn't just about the album release; it was about sharing a part of their journey with the fans who had been her lifeline. "I am," she said, her voice firm despite the tremor of nerves. "They deserve to know. They've been with me through thick and thin, and this is a beautiful new chapter."

Callie grinned "Then let's do this. I'm sure once she hears the slow jams. She'll doze off"

Miranda chuckled "We can only hope"

With a final squeeze of her hand, Callie winked. "Ready, mama?"

Miranda offered a slight smile. "Ready as I'll ever be," she whispered, straightening her dress.

The roar of the crowd intensified as the lights dimmed. A wave of heat washed over Miranda, a mix of nerves and anticipation. Glancing towards the stage exit, she spotted Ben and William in the front row. Her two biggest fans. Ben offered a warm smile and William proudly held his sign.

Taking a deep breath, she joined Callie center stage, the cheers washing over them. With a smile, she raised the microphone to her lips. The first verse flowed effortlessly, her voice soaring through the stadium. But tonight, every lyric held a deeper meaning, a silent dedication to the love that surrounded her.

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