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Ben went about his duties at the hospital. He had just left surgery and was on his way to lunch when his phone rang. Despite already knowing who was calling him he glanced at the caller ID to see Miranda's name flashing on the screen. With a smile, he answered the call, eager to hear her voice."Right on time for my lunch call. How are you, baby?" Ben greeted warmly, his tone filled with affection.

Miranda's voice came through the line, filled with excitement. "I never miss a lunch call" She chuckled " I'm doing fine, and if you meant baby Warren, they are doing fine too."

"I meant you" He smiled "But I'm glad they're fine too"

"I need to inform you that you have a fitting after work and the wedding planner will meet you there"

"Miranda, do you think this planner has good taste? I mean, considering your reaction to the dress choices," he asked, a hint of amusement lacing his voice.

Miranda chuckled. "Well, let's just say we didn't exactly see eye to eye on the dresses," she replied, her tone light-hearted. "But who knows? Maybe she'll have better luck with your fitting."

"We shall see" He arrived in the cafeteria. After getting his food he say down with Paul.

"Hi Paul" Miranda greeted

"How'd you know Paul was here" Ben asked

"You're in the cafeteria and you always eat with Paul. He's your work wife. Like Callie is mine"

"My huh"

"Your work wife. You two are joined together at the hip. So he's like your wife but just at work"

"You on the phone with Miranda?" Paul asked. Ben nodded still confused by the idea of Paul being his 'Work Wife'.

"Hey, Miranda." Paul greeted her loud enough so she could hear him

"Tell him I said hi Ben" She replied "Soon-to-be wife to work wife"

"Don't call him that" Ben shook his head

"Fine. He's your work husband" She chuckled

"I will talk to you later. I need to talk to Paul about something"

"Enjoy lunch with your work spouse" She hung up

"Did she say hi?" Paul asked

"Uh yeah" Ben nodded

"What's on your mind," Paul asked

"I have a fitting today" Ben answered taking a bit of his sandwich and some chips

"Exciting" Paul nodded also digging into his lunch "Did you pick some choices or are you going in blind"

"Her manager hired a planner who picked some choices"

"That's right. You're marrying someone famous. These kinds of things get handled for you" Paul chuckled

"Cute" Ben looked at him "But really It's all starting to feel real now, you know? The wedding is just around the corner," he replied, his voice filled with excitement.

Paul grinned, patting Ben on the back in congratulations. "I'm happy for you, Ben. Miranda's one lucky lady," he smiled

Ben's heart swelled with gratitude for his friend's support. "Thanks, Paul. I feel pretty lucky myself," he nodded

"So, Ben, how are you two navigating pregnancy and wedding planning at the same time?"

Ben paused for a moment, considering Paul's question before replying, "It's definitely been a balancing act, that's for sure. Miranda's been amazing through it all, juggling doctor's appointments, wedding preparations, and taking care of William."

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