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"Mandy get the door" Tucker groaned. Miranda grabbed her robe and went to open the door.

"I thought you said you'd be by this evening" She opened the door expecting to see Mister. To her surprise, it was Tucker's mother.

"Mrs. Jones" Miranda was shocked to see her

"Where is my son"

"In bed" Miranda pointed "Is there something I can help you with"

"Yeah, get my son out here"

Miranda walked back into the bedroom. "Your mom is here"

"What" Tucker jumped out of bed and put on pants "Did she say what she wanted"

"Nope other than she wants you"

He groaned and walked out there to face his mother. "Hey momma"

"Tucker Jones is this how I raised you"

"What do you mean"

"Liquor everywhere. Shacking up with that girl instead of marrying her. I hear you owe drug dealers money"

"Momma come on" Tucker rubbed his head "Miranda doesn't want to get married"

"What do you mean she doesn't want to get married"

"She's focused on her music career momma"

"Marriage gonna stop her from singing or something" She asked

"Ma'am respectfully. He doesn't have to explain to you why I don't want to get married"

"All I know is. This is not how I raised you, boy. And Miranda child I doubt your parents raised you this way. What do they think about all this"

"Don't talk to them so I can't tell you"

"Momma did you come here to criticize my choices" Tucker asked

"I came here because drug dealers knocking on my door looking for you. Are you using or selling"

"Mom" Tucker crossed his arms

"Using or selling Tucker"

"He's using" Miranda answered for him "He's a user. That's why I won't marry your son. He's on drugs. He drinks. Slaps me around occasionally and sleeps with other women"

"Child you sound drunk yourself"

"I'm not a day drinker babes" She rolled her eyes

"Fix it, Tucker. Get them boys away from my house"

"I already fixed it" Tucker smiled "Miranda's going to sing and make some money. They'll be gone"

"You two need real jobs. Not club singing and wasting your money on drugs and alcohol"

"Momma I just said we were about to make bank. Don't worry about us. Thank you for your visit and sorry about the men at your house. I'll talk to them"

"Clean this place up" She kicked a liquor bottle before leaving "And clean your lives up"

"Ain't nothing wrong with this place" Tucker shrugged

"This place is messy Tucker. I have straightened up this place several times and it's still messy"

"Baby with the money we're about to make fuck this house"

"The money I'm about to make you mean" Miranda laughed "Mister paid your debt now he has to get his money back"

"I don't like you calling him Mister"

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