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As they settled into the awkwardness of the family dinner, Miranda couldn't shake the feeling of her mother's intense gaze boring into her like lasers. With every glance, she felt the weight of her mother's scrutiny, each look laden with unspoken judgment and disapproval.

Squirming slightly in her seat, Miranda attempted to maintain a facade of composure, but the tension in the air was palpable, casting a shadow over the meal. She stole a glance at Ben, silently seeking reassurance in his presence, but even his comforting presence couldn't ease the unease that gripped her.

As the awkwardness of the family dinner continued to linger, William, sensing the tension in the air, attempted to lighten the mood by bringing up a topic of conversation. With youthful innocence, he mentioned Miranda's recent music awards, his eyes shining with pride as he spoke of his mother's accomplishments.

"Hey Grandma, Grandpa," William piped up "Did you know Mom won four music awards? She's really famous"

Her parents exchanged a glance, their expressions softening slightly at William's words. Though their disapproval still lingered beneath the surface, they couldn't deny the pride that shone in their grandson's eyes as he spoke of his mother's achievements.

"That's wonderful, William," Miranda's mother replied, her tone softer now, tinged with genuine interest. "Your mother has always been very talented."

Miranda offered her son a proud smile "William and I had a performance at the award show. It was such an incredible experience! William did amazing up there on stage, didn't you"

"We rocked it" He nodded

We... we watched it," her father confessed quietly, his tone filled with a mixture of reluctance and admiration. "You and William were... impressive."

A sense of relief washed over Miranda mingled with a surge of gratitude for her father's unexpected words of praise. Despite the strained relationship between them, his acknowledgment of their performance felt like a small victory, a glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil of their family dynamics.

"Thank you, Dad," Miranda replied softly "That means a lot to me"

"Remember when you used to perform in the school talent shows? You were always such a natural on stage" He lightly chuckled

"Those were some of my favorite memories," Miranda nodded "I always loved being on stage, sharing my music with others."

Her mother nodded in agreement "You were always so passionate about music,"

"I'll never forget how your voice used to fill the church every Sunday morning, Mandy. You brought so much joy and beauty to those hymns." Her mom looked down at her plate

"She still hums them occasionally" Little Will looked at his mother "Especially when you read"

"Yeah that I do" She nodded

As the conversation about Miranda's past performances and musical journey continued, Elena's tone suddenly shifted, her expression clouded with a hint of sadness and regret. "I don't know when I lost my sweet, innocent daughter,"

Miranda's heart sank at her mother's words, the weight of her mother's unspoken pain settling heavily upon her. Despite their attempts to reconnect through shared memories, the underlying tension and unresolved emotions lingered like a shadow over the table.

"I'm still here, Mom," Miranda replied "I may have grown and changed over the years, but I'm still your daughter."

"You'll forever be my daughter that is true" she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "But it feels like you've lost sight of who you once were."

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