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By the time Miranda returned she was thoroughly wasted. Mister sent out some of his guys to find her and bring her home. When they carried her in he shook his head. What was he supposed to do with her now?

"Tucker left the kid here. Girls fed him and got him ready for bed" Mister pointed at him sleeping on the couch " Said his girlfriend doesn't want the boy around and he said since you don't think he deserves to be a father keep thinking that and raise the kid on your own"

"Well that's a damn shame" Miranda slurred

"Thought you were done doing this" Mister crossed his arms

"What? Are you disappointed in me? Well, step in line. My father is disappointed, my son is disappointed, you go ahead and be disappointed too"

"I'm not about to do this. Look just because you went on a wild drinking binge doesn't mean you escaped your decision. You've worked hard to get to where you are, and you can't let anything jeopardize that. Not even your own child. Him or music Mandy"

"William is my son. I can't just abandon him for the sake of my career."

Mister's expression remained stoic as he looked at Miranda. "You must really be beyond drunk. You did it once already. You picked yourself over him years ago and now that he's back crying mommy mommy all of a sudden it's I can't abandon my son. Don't give me that"

"My mother said I have to raise him. The kid is all excited about living with his mommy. I'm different from who I was when I had him. Maybe I can raise him right"

"You're drunk. He comes here and you run away and get drunk. You think that's mother material"  He laughed "Mandy you know you aren't a mother"

"No, I'm changed. I'm going to be that boy's mother"

"If you believe that, okay. But know this I've invested a lot of time and money into your career. If you're not able to focus on your music, then I can't continue to support you."

"Who says I can't focus" She shrugged

"Miranda get some sleep and sober up. We'll talk in the morning" He rubbed his face "Take her and the kid to the guest house"

His men did as they were told and carried her and William into the guesthouse and laid them both in her bed. William settled next to his mother and slept peacefully throughout the night. 

The next morning he woke up first. William looked over his mother's features as she slept. He picked out which of her features looked like his own. He shared her button nose. He moved some hair out of her face. He had wondered what the moment would be like when he was reunited with her. This wasn't at all what he envisioned.

She ran off to get drunk and his father didn't want him. Maybe he really was better off with his grandparents. He got out of bed and roamed around the room for a minute. He looked at her jewelry. She had earrings, chains, and bracelets. This jewelry must've cost a fortune he thought. His fingers danced around the diamonds. He picked up a gold chain and put it on before leaving the room.

He roamed around the house. He saw a piano and he sat down at it. His fingers grazed the keys before he started to play a tune. He was getting lost in the music he was playing when she startled him.

"William" her voice still so foreign to him. He turned to look at her. She still stared at him as if he was a ghost from her past to haunt her rather than her son. She walked over to him and looked at the chain around his neck.

"I'm sorry" He took his hands off the keys and was about to take it off "It looked cool"

"It looks good on you" She motioned to the chain " It really compliments your pajamas" She sat down next to him

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