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🎵- the nights

[Hear this song guys I heard it recently and it became one of my favourite]

[Ignore grammatical errors and typos]

Abhimanyu arranged everything for their divorce. Now they just had to sign the papers and do further formalities. Vedant and Divya arrived at the same time.

It may be the first time she came inside court. She hated the environment instantly before even entering it. She turned around to face him; he was standing beside her. They were looking at each other when, suddenly, Divya stumbled. Vedant noticed that the other lady pushed her by mistake. Vedant grabbed her from the front to save her from falling.

This woman- Vedant was about to shout at that lady, but Divya's voice stopped him.

Leave it; Divya's hands were resting on his chest. He left her as soon as he noticed the proximity between them.

Divya noticed that some of the men were smiling and looking at her. She first thought to ignore it. It doesn't matter how much we try to ignore the bad gaze of an unknown man or woman, it still makes us feel uncomfortable.

Vedant noticed her disturbed state, and he looked in the direction where she was looking again and again.
He found some men staring at her.
He signalled for his men to block the view. Now only Vedanta can see them. They tried to see her, but now they can only see Vedant's face, who was throwing daggers at them with his eyes. Those men got scared after seeing him glare at them. His bodyguards were also looking at them angrily.

Divya was witnessing his every action. No matter how this man behaves with her, he won't let anyone hurt her in any way. That's what Divya wanted in her life. Someone is protecting and loving her. Divya came out of her dream world, and her eyes landed inside the court. She sighed and walked further, accepting the reality.

Divya and Vedant entered the cabin of a counsellor. The counsellor greeted Divya first, who replied positively, while Vedant just nodded at him. The counsellor understood that the vedant is filled with pride and arrogance.

Vedant pulled the chair for Divya first, and she occupied it. It became their habit after eating dinner, lunch, and breakfast about three times in a week together.

Vedant sat next to her. The counsellor started looking at them awkwardly. Nothing was looking wrong between them; neither they were fighting nor glaring at each other.

The counsellor started asking questions,

1. Are you both in an arranged or love marriage?

Arrange, and both of them replied at the same time.

2. Why do you want to divorce each other?

He was forced into this marriage, and now we don't want to stretch this marriage more. Divya replied this time.

Do you want to say anything? Counsellor asked.

I wasn't very husband like with her; I disrespected her for no reason. He confessed. The counsellor asked Divya now: Did he assault you physically and sexually?

No, she replied to him in one word. Divya shifted awkwardly on her chair after replying because she slapped him 2-3 times. It surprised Divya that he didn't ask the same question to him. She didn't apologise to him, but at least he could have asked. Courts are biased towards women or what. She thought in her brain.

He proceeded with the further questions, and both of them replied. Vedant was getting irritated due to the counsellor's stupid question. Divya was nervous, but she was still answering every question.

Vedant rolled his eyes seeing her answer everything like it's a high school viva exam. He murmured, Kab tak hoga iska khatam.

(When will it finish?)

The counsellor asked the last question: When did you both sleep together last time?

This question got Vedant's attention. He spoke immediately; excuse me?
You can't ask these types of questions.
How can a random person ask his wife about their sexual life? It's not something to share.

"Mr. Singhania, these types of questions are normal." Counsellor replied

Skip it; Vedant spoke, not letting the counsellor speak a full sentence.

Singhania- a tale of toxic relationships Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя