Angry he hangs up and takes Wuxi in his arms again "Don't worry we will make all of this stop; we will need to hold another press conference so that people can see you live and know that it is Bai Zhi lying so we can clear this misinformation up."

Wuxi's eyes fill with tears "I-I can't handle doing that today, I know that there will be more fire to put out if we wait but I just want to be with our little girl today. I want to make sure she is ok and she sees us when she wakes up. I don't want to not be here Wangji, can we do it tomorrow before we leave the hospital, please?"

Wangji kisses his forehead "We can do anything you want; I will call and have the media meet us here at nine a.m. so that way they will all be cleared out by the time we get ready to leave tomorrow afternoon, we will set the record straight."

Carmen scowls "I am sick to death of this snake in the grass, he has been a thorn in the side of our family for way too long. He is becoming more bold and daring and I know it's because he sees that the babies are famous and he hopes to become so at their expense."

Wangji purses his lips irritated "He will be taken care of I can promise you that." A security guard pokes his head in the door "They are bringing AMei back and the director just got off the elevator and will be here in just a moment."

Wuxi and Wangji nod, Carmen crosses her arms over her chest and waits, the director walks into the room and bows "Mr. Lan, Madam Lan what can I do for you?"

Wangji steps to the side and points to the computer screen scrolls back to the pictures of their baby and points "Do you mind explaining this to us? How exactly did pictures of our daughter pre and post-op get taken and given to someone outside of the hospital to be posted online?"

The director pales "Mr. Lan I-I don't know how this happened, I will do an investigation immediately."

Carmen frowns "This is the second time there has been a breach by your staff with my grandchild, this is absolutely unacceptable, you had better retrain your staff to know their boundaries and protect the privacy of their patients or we will remove our funding for this facility and give it one who knows how to train their staff!" she snarls.

Wuxi takes a deep breath "I do not appreciate the privacy and security of our daughter being blatantly disregarded by your staff, do you realize the difficulties this will cause our family?"

The director bows apologizing over and over again, Wangji still angry looks at the man bowing low "Get out and find out how this happened, I want results by the end of the day."

The director bows again "Yes Mr. Lan, I will take care of this at once." He backs out of the room as AMei is wheeled into the room.

They all move so that her bed can be placed back in its proper position and they walk over to look at her and make sure she is whole and healthy. The nurse informs them "She will be asleep for a little longer and she might be in some pain not long after waking, just call us and we will bring her something for it." she bows slightly and leaves the room.

Wuxi takes his daughter's limp hand and looks at her, she looks like she is sleeping, he checks her side and sees the bandages, then carefully puts her hospital gown back in place and pulls the covers up to her chest. Wangji strokes her hair gently with his other arm wrapped around Wuxi's shoulders. Carmen is on the other side of the bed and takes her other hand, it is no longer tethered by an I.V. line, just the port for pain medication to be given if needed.

AMei is slow to wake but when she does everyone coos at her making her smile despite being groggy. She tries to sit up and cries when it hurts her to do so, Wuxi is quick to stop her from sitting up but not fast enough to keep her from feeling the pain. They call the nurse to bring her pain meds and after they are administered she falls asleep again, the meds making her too sleepy to stay awake.

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