The Demon Vs The Strongest

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Adrian Pov

Adrian: (Adrian walks towards diego and diego does the same, when they are finally infront of each other they stare eachother down) Last chance demon, go back through the gate and stay out

Diego: Hm you sure are interesting mongrel, not many dare to order around there better

Adrian: Hmph...very well then (Adrian goes for a right punch but diego moves slightly to the left dodging it and using the force of adriens punch to palm strike him in the gut, this makes adrian spit up a bit of blood. diego then goes for a uppercut to adrian making him go up a little, diego then jumps up so fast that it looked like he teleported and punches adrian back to the ground. adrian slides over the ground for a little bit but quickly kicks back up and grabs his sword that he through down together with his coat. he then rushes towards diego then tries hitting diego with a horizontal slash but diego jumps over the sword, diego then attempts to kick adrian's shin but adrian is able to stomp on diego's leg. adrian then tries to stab diego but diego rips off his own leg and does a twisting fall making him barely dodge adrian's sword, diego then regenerates his leg and jumps back up. adrian immidiatly rushes to diego and tries hitting him with a vertical slash but diego catches the sword, a large gust of wind releases from the blades impact) 

Diego: Well i think i'm starting to remember you

Adrian: What are you on about?

Diego: Hmm... don't worry about it, lets send this fight into the next gear (Diego pushes away adrian's sword and then goes for a kick to adrians face, adrian is able to just barley dodge by moving his head back but the kick is so strong it releases a large gust of wind sending adrian back, before adrian is able to properly stand again diego appears infront of him and hits adrian with a dropkick into a wall, diego then goes for a barrage of light punches to adrian so that he can't move away from the wall. after a few seconds of that adrian pushes through the punches and picks up diego by his right arm and throws him into another wall, adrian then rushes towards diego trying to push him deeper into the wall but diego dodges right on time making adrian run straight into the wall, adrian then grabs diego by the head and starts pushing him face first through the wall, adrian then throws diego up and picks his sword back up, diego fall back down to the ground and right when diego is about to stand up, adrian stabs diego through the back, back into the floor) 

Adrian: It seems your finished demon, if this is the greatest strength found in the demon realm then it will be quite easy to conqueror

Diego: Heh...

Adrian: Whats so funny?

Diego: You truly believe that your enough to conqueror the demon realm? if so then you truly are a fool

Adrian: Is that right (Adrian starts to twist his sword) because it sure feels like i've beaten you

Diego: HA!...Thats a good one mongrel, it seems you don't know the difference between a real fight and playtime (Diego rips himself away from the sword and regenerates the wound almost instantly)

Adrian: W...what the! (diego stands back u

Diego: You see mongrel, i enjoy playing with my food. however not just any food, only the tasty and strong food. those weeklings from earlier wouldn't have been any fun, with maybe the exeption to the man with the eyes of fate

Adrian: So thats why you we're torturing him

Diego: Correct, it was mearly because he was mildly entertaining. you on the other hand are a true meal. i only had one human better then you in my entire life

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